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Prayer Request

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
08/06/2017 - 2:19am
6 years 11 months ago

Need prayers for my son, Kenton Boyer, God knows the need,Thyx for prayers, per Carol Horner

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
08/06/2017 - 2:16am
6 years 11 months ago


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
08/04/2017 - 5:05am
6 years 11 months ago

My daughter,Courtney went to a specialist today about her eye. She was accidentally hit in the eye a few months ago. Her eye has been blurred ever since. She went to an ophthalmologist  afterwards and he told her it was a cornea bruise. This Dr. today said it is optic nerve damage and its permanent. I know God can heal her eye and I'm praying that He will, and ask you to do the same. Thank you so much for all your prayers. Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
08/04/2017 - 5:00am
6 years 11 months ago

Please pray for my grandson's wife, Jessica who is pregnant with their second baby. She had to go to the hospital because she was cramping some and bleeding. Please pray that she won't miscarry. She is very upset because she wants this baby so much and my grandson does too. Thank you for your prayers for her... Helen

UPDATE ON REQUEST:  I'm sad to say that Justin (my grandson) and Jessica lost their baby through miscarriage. Please continue to pray for them, and the family, as all our hearts are touched with their grief. Thx for praying, Helen


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
08/04/2017 - 4:56am
6 years 11 months ago

Please continue to pray for Ed Carter. He has several more procedures Thursday and Friday. The Dr. took out a vein today in his leg and will take out another one tomorrow. Thank you so much for all your prayers.... Helen Carter

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
08/04/2017 - 4:54am
6 years 11 months ago

Prayer Request from Mary...Would you please add my former Dr. to the prayer list? His name is Morton (Bud) Morris. They moved him to hospice on Monday. They served for 5 yrs as missionaries and have also been involved in prison ministry programs. They moved to the St Louis area in May to be closer to one of their sons. They have 8 children - 7 sons and 1 daughter. I think Dr. Morris is in his mid 70's. He said he knows the promises of the Bible and he knows where he's going and he's not afraid. His life has been an amazing testimony to serving the Lord.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/31/2017 - 3:23am
6 years 11 months ago

Dottie Perry, lives in Lake Providence, La., and is in the Oak Grove Hospital near her home. She is a Christian and lives what she professes and that is to be a child of God. She has a bad heart and her vital signs are really low. She told her husband, Shelby, that she was ready to go.  Please keep her in prayer. They have two grown daughters with families of their own. They are a very close family to each other and to our Heavenly Father. Dottie is also Larry Blair's sister and aunt to Teri Carmack and Dewayne Blair. God bless all for your prayers.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/31/2017 - 2:59am
6 years 11 months ago

Please keep Genny Hebert, our sister in Christ Jesus, in prayer. She was on the way home from Gospel Lighthouse Outreach Church after service on Sunday morning, July 29th , when she had a wreck on Interstate Hwy. 35 W.. The news was she wasn’t hurt just upset and a little sore. Her vehicle was totaled per her son. Genny has had some hard times this past year but we are praying that things are going to change starting now! Thank you Father.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/31/2017 - 2:56am
6 years 11 months ago

Pray for our brother Harris P. Gentry. On Wednesday night he got home from church and was entering the dining room to have his dinner when his knee gave way on him and fell. His family tried to help him up but he was hurting so badly he just lay in the floor a while. He went to the doctor and they did some checking on his knee. He is waiting for the results. Please pray there is nothing badly damaged.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/29/2017 - 3:33pm
6 years 11 months ago

Pray for Danny who has lung cancer. This is the 3rd time he has had cancer. He has gone through so much pain and agony. Pls ask God's healing for him. Helen


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/29/2017 - 3:31pm
6 years 11 months ago

Please pray for Jimmy who has cancer on his face and in his jaw. God bless all who pray. Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/29/2017 - 3:29pm
6 years 11 months ago

My 84 year old sister has moved in with her daughter, my niece, in Dallas and a lot of prayer there. Please pray that God handles it then we know it will be done right. Thx for all your prayers. Brenda  


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/29/2017 - 2:14pm
6 years 11 months ago

Please pray for Irving Hopkins of Tallulah, La. and his family. He has cancer and is now in the hospital in Houston, Tx.. He has a wife Shirley and two daughters and grandchildren,who live out of state. If you believe God can heal please pray for him. He is a Christian so is his family. Irving is Larry Blair's brother in law. Thank you for praying for him and his family. This horrible disease effects a whole family not just one. "Lord, please give all the family, friends and love ones strength to get through this and to keep faithful in prayer daily".

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/26/2017 - 2:05pm
6 years 11 months ago

Mike and Dee Phillips; Remember a very close friend of mine.. God knows the need. Thank you for prayers.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/26/2017 - 2:02pm
6 years 11 months ago

Virginia Huckaby TackettLa Follette, TN

Update on our Zeelan,he done great through the surgery ,but he is still in a lot of pain and having a hard time swallowing to eat due to them fixing the flap in his neck and having to cut pieces of his vocal cords off to try fix the problem, Zeelan is 2 months old and you can imagine how my daughter feels having to watch him in pain!! Plz continue prayers for both of them...thank you all for all the prayers that has been prayed already...


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/26/2017 - 1:40pm
6 years 11 months ago

Heavenly Father, Henry needs your divine hand of healing for this brain tumor. There are so many that are sick with brain tumors, cancer and other ailments that are hard to heal. That is why we so often call for you to come on the scene for we know from where our help comes. Give Henry and Jamie peace over this brain tumor. We know Father you can make him well again and we put faith in you because we are praying daily for all that are sick. We give you all the honor, praise and thanksgiving for healing our bodies, mind and souls. Keep your hand on Henry and Jamie and give them strength and courage to fight this tumor. Thank you Father for your help. Jamie

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/26/2017 - 1:26pm
6 years 11 months ago

Prayer Request from Jamie...Today, they discovered brain tumor on Henry. Its about 1/2 cm. We will take him for MRI soon. He may need to go through chemotherapy. He also has a mass on his lung, will have biopsy on that soon. Pray God to help me with decisions making on his care and miracle healing. 



Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/26/2017 - 1:13pm
6 years 11 months ago

Update: Nancy is doing better after her heart surgery. The Dr. is trying to tweak her medicines. Thank you for your prayers for her. 

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/26/2017 - 1:11pm
6 years 11 months ago

Pray Lillie and Ruby will feel good and have the energy to go to her party tomorrow. I'm having their pictures made after the party, so it will be a long day for them. Lillie is 100 and her sister, Ruby is 101 yrs. young.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/26/2017 - 1:07pm
6 years 11 months ago

Wanda has a lot of health problems due to working for a dentist for 19 yrs, she has mercury poisoning and now cancer. She is my niece and one of the sweetest people I've ever known. She has such a great attitude no matter what is happening. It's rare to see a person like Wanda. Pls pray she heals completely. Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/26/2017 - 1:05pm
6 years 11 months ago

Heather has a bad migraine headache. Hurts terribly. Asking prayer for healing. 

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/26/2017 - 1:03pm
6 years 11 months ago

David has internal bleeding, colon cancer and an infected gallbladder which he will have removed on Wednesday. His wife Joan was suppose to have her corrective surgery Aug. 2; but is postponing hers to see about her husband. She is in a lot of pain also.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/26/2017 - 1:01pm
6 years 11 months ago

Julie is having surgery tomorrow. No further info except to pray for her. 

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/23/2017 - 4:00am
6 years 11 months ago

I am asking having surgery to remove a device from my back that was to relieve pain. It did not work for me. Now I need to have it removed. I'm not too concerned about the surgery but I am concerning after surgery and the results. The doctors think by removing the device it will ease the pain due to disc problems. I'm asking prayer that this pain is gone after the surgery. Our Heavenly Father said in his word to ask and ye shall receive. And he can do all things for He is our Great Physician. As our Pastor, Bennie Dendy says, " Ask and receive, doubt and do without!" Thank you Father for the complete healing, Amen!


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/23/2017 - 3:49am
6 years 11 months ago

Please pray for my daughter in law, Gina, who needs monthly injections for her medical conditions. The doctors told her to keep the infection from going over her body she would need to have all her teeth pulled, (because of bad teeth), before they did the injections. Thank you for your prayers and pray she can soon get back into church. Bonnie

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/23/2017 - 3:43am
6 years 11 months ago

Shane and Wesley are prodigals. Their parents and grandparents are very concerned over them both.
No reasons were stated why. Please pray for the reason the parents and grandparents are concerned. God knows why. Thx, Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/23/2017 - 3:40am
6 years 11 months ago

Senator John McCain has brain cancer. Please pray for him a miracle from God. 

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/23/2017 - 3:37am
6 years 11 months ago

Bobby is having trouble with his heart, may need a pacemaker.Keep him in prayer pls.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/23/2017 - 3:36am
6 years 11 months ago

Gage (18 yrs old) is having trouble with his esophagus, swallowing food and etc. He has had some tests but the Dr. hasn't found out exactly what's wrong or a solution for it. Helen


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/23/2017 - 3:33am
6 years 11 months ago

Ava (7yrs old) has elevated white blood cells, low blood and Dr. is concerned about her platelets also. She is having more tests. Pray for her healing in Jesus' name.  Helen


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/23/2017 - 3:31am
6 years 11 months ago

Billie is in a lot of pain in her shoulders and knees. Now Lord I say to this spirit of pain in Billie's knees and shoulders to leave in Jesus name amen


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/23/2017 - 3:29am
6 years 11 months ago

Curtis has cancer and has been getting chemo. The port they used isn't healed and it’s hurting him pretty badly. He also has shingles which are painful also. Pls pray for God's healing. Brenda


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/23/2017 - 3:27am
6 years 11 months ago

We are going to meet my step-son Ryan and Carrie and their 6 children. They are missionaries in Africa. We have not seen them in 1 1/2 years. Please pray for everyone's safety.  Sue

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/23/2017 - 3:25am
6 years 11 months ago

From Brenda:: Lord I lift Curtis up to you and ask you to heal him of this evil disease that starts with a little c as it is straight from the devil.  Lord I rebuke this spirit of disease and command it to leave his body now in Jesus name and plead the blood of Jesus Christ over him for healing and no more ports and no more shingles in Jesus name.  We speak forth Luke 10:19 in Jesus name amen.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/20/2017 - 2:46am
6 years 11 months ago

Dennis Smith is requesting special prayer for himself;  I am asking God for special wisdom and favor. I know I can't do it without his help. God send help my way. Thank you all for prayers.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/20/2017 - 2:44am
6 years 11 months ago

Christa Lee asks pray for a special little boy; I have a special prayer request for a special little boy that I just recently met and has touched my heart very deeply. He was born with a congenital defect called double articular right dextrocardio pulmonary atresia. Although there is no cure there are medications to treat the side effects of this sad, heart breaking defect. I pray God walks with him through this life’s journey and carry him when he is down. I pray for the beat for him and I am glad to have met him and proud that he is now somewhat part of my life and for my children to have a brother that God said was strong to carry this kind of problem. God gives His strongest children the roughest burdens but if I could, I would carry this one for him.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/19/2017 - 1:40pm
6 years 11 months ago

My good friend, Lillie will be 100 years old on next Tuesday, July 25. If anyone would like to send her a birthday card,or a note, wishing her a " happy birthday,"  I'm sure it would make her day. She never had any children, the only family she has left is her sister, Ruby who is 101 and her son and his family and they don't celebrate birthdays, and all her family and friends are gone now, she doesn't have many people who can celebrate with her. I just think turning 100 should not go by unnoticed. Her address is: Lillie Fuller  123 Robertson Rd. Newborn, Ga. 30056, Thank you... Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/15/2017 - 6:10pm
6 years 11 months ago

Linda Lyons is asking for prayer for herself and her three children. Please God knows what's in my heart. I'm about to give up and I got three little ones that are counting on me and I can't give up!.Help us Lord!

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/15/2017 - 6:08pm
6 years 11 months ago

Karen Feathers asking prayer for her friend Roger Franklin. He was working in Atlanta and had a massive heart attack and he's so bad they can't do open heart surgery on him. His wife Debbie, daughter, Michelle, and son,Roger, needs lots and lots of prayer.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/15/2017 - 6:05pm
6 years 11 months ago

Terri Dunn is requesting prayer for family, friends and herself. I have several prayer request I have some for family and for friends and also for myself. I don't usually post on here but God laid it on my heart to do so. I know that there are many great prayer warriors here and I say in advance thank you and God bless you all.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/15/2017 - 6:03pm
6 years 11 months ago

Virginia Huckaby Tackett, La Follette, Tn.: Asking prayer for my grandson. They just admitted, Zeelan, who is 2 mo. old, to the hospital. He was born with something that causes him not to be able to breath good and he is having a really hard time today even with medication to  breath. We can hardly get doctors to do anything to help but I know one that can take it all away and let him breathe on his own without any medicine and I'm begging you all to plz ,plz pray for this sweet boy, He has had a difficult time breathing since birth and they kept telling my daughter it was "Normal" until we finally got to a doctor that knows it's not normal and has sent him to a specialist but can't get them to do anything till the later part of this month and told her if he quit breathing to take him straight to children's which is 30-45 mins away!!! Plz help me pray for him thank you.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/15/2017 - 6:01pm
6 years 11 months ago

Alyssa Price asks to please pray that she will be able to go and start her MS medicine infusions on July 17th!!

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/15/2017 - 11:58am
6 years 11 months ago

Please pray for this woman, Marta Martinez. She is suffering and needs healing. Thx for praying for her.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/15/2017 - 11:56am
6 years 11 months ago

Update: I went to see Syble Wednesday. Please continue to pray for her all during the day when you think about her. I knew she was in critical condition, but I didn't realize how much until I saw her.  All I can say, is, "my heart is so touched by her suffering and pain." It really affected me seeing her and every time I think about her, I can't help but cry. The wreck was on May 10th, so she has suffered quite a while now. Please pray that God sees fit to heal her body and take away her pain.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/12/2017 - 1:18pm
6 years 11 months ago

I have a niece, (and her husband), who lost a baby girl nine months ago. She is now seeing a Dr. who works with high risk pregnancies. Please keep them in prayer. The baby they lost was their first, now that want to try again. My niece is the only child of my sister and brother in law. I’m asking our Heavenly Father to bless them all with another child that is healthy.

Note from Bonnie: Bless all who pray for all the prayer request we receive. 

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/12/2017 - 1:14pm
6 years 11 months ago

Please keep James Pack in your prayers. He had a light stroke but prayerfully and believing he will recover completely. Also keep his wife, Bettye, in prayer for she also has some medical problems. Thank you for prayers.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/12/2017 - 12:47pm
6 years 11 months ago

Update: Lillie is doing a lot better right now. Praise the Lord! Thank you for your prayers for her. Her birthday is the 25th. Planning a party for her 100th Birthday!


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/12/2017 - 12:45pm
6 years 11 months ago

Update: I took Ruby for a MRI on her back today. She did real well, slept through most of it. I'm making her an appt. with the Athens Spine Clinic to see if there is something, maybe shots to help her with her pain. Please continue to pray for her to get the help she needs. I know God can heal her, and He does it in all kinds of ways.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/12/2017 - 12:43pm
6 years 11 months ago

Please pray for my friend Joan who is having some reconstructive surgery on Aug. 2. She is in a lot of pain. Thank you for your prayers for all of us... Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
07/12/2017 - 12:41pm
6 years 11 months ago

I also have a problem with neck pain. I have 3 spurs on my neck that is probably causing my pain. My left leg has really been painful in the past week as well as knee pain. I'm getting my first injection in both knees of Euflexxa on Wednesday, and again for the next two weeks. Please pray they will work to alleviate this pain. I really don't want knee replacements, but my Dr. said this is next if these injections don't work. Also going to a Chiropractor Thursday to see if he can help with my neck problem and my abdomen discomfort I've had for over 3 years. I pray he can help me. Thank you for your prayers... Helen




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