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Prayer Request

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
04/04/2017 - 11:55pm
7 years 3 months ago

Please continue to keep Sue Worley in prayer. She needs a healing from the Father above. She has some problems with her heart and may need a heart bypass.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
04/04/2017 - 11:52pm
7 years 3 months ago

Please keep Bettye Pack in prayer. She’s had back trouble for years and could not seem to find a surgeon that would do the surgery because of other health problems. They seem to think they may have found a surgeon that is confident that he can do the surgery. So just ask our Father in heaven to let it be so and all will go great. Thank you for your prayers, Bonnie.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
04/04/2017 - 11:48pm
7 years 3 months ago

Update from Mike & Dee Phillips : We appreciate all the prayers, for my Mom. She came home yesterday, doing good & improving everyday.. Continue to pray for healing & strength. Thanks! 

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
04/04/2017 - 11:47pm
7 years 3 months ago

Crystal McCroskey: Prayers please, going thru a lot right now. Father in heaven help in her time of need you know why! Amen.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
04/04/2017 - 11:45pm
7 years 3 months ago

Marguerite Lay: requests prayer for her husband. God will be done & He knows the need.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
04/04/2017 - 11:43pm
7 years 3 months ago

Update on Owen--Debbie Fraser’s grandson: Everyone that prayed for Owen thank you, he went home, time to recover from his arm injury in football. Everything went good. God bless you.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
04/03/2017 - 8:53pm
7 years 3 months ago

My husband, Ed’s, sister-in-law, Linda is in a lot of pain but she still has to work on a full time job which is difficult for her. Please pray God see’s her through it all. God relieve the pain! Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
04/03/2017 - 8:49pm
7 years 3 months ago

My neighbor, Marlyne, has some blockages in her legs and they are painful. She is going for tests to see if she has any in her heart arteries too. Pls keep her in your prayers. Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
04/03/2017 - 8:23pm
7 years 3 months ago

My friend, Clara is having a lot of health problems. Also, her sister, Maxine, fell and broke her collarbone and her hip. She is in the hospital in Sumter, S.C.. They both need prayer for healing. Thx Helen

inchrist1971's picture
By: Trixie Renfro
04/01/2017 - 9:23pm
7 years 3 months ago

Please pray for my mom, Gail Young, she keeps falling in the nursing home. Her memory is not good. Mostly she needs Jesus. Thank you and God Bless!!

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
04/01/2017 - 9:07pm
7 years 3 months ago

My urologist thinks I have a kidney stone (which all I drink is water, so I'm assuming from calcium build-up) and I'm also a multiple sclerosis patient. I have an X Ray to confirm it on Wednesday (I did an ultrasound already). Well I'm praying that all it is a kidney stone. Cancer runs in my family badly and I'm so scared! He said I have no infections in my urine, so please pray it's something as simple as a kidney stone and nothing worse!! Thank you, everyone!

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
04/01/2017 - 9:03pm
7 years 3 months ago


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
04/01/2017 - 6:16pm
7 years 3 months ago

Prayer warriors please pray for our Sister in the Lord, Wanda Sue Worley. She is in the Harris Hospital downtown Fort Worth. The Doctor does not like what he sees in the heart area. Test are being done. Wanda said the Dr. thought she had a heart attack. Please keep her in prayer.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
04/01/2017 - 6:10pm
7 years 3 months ago

Please pray for our Brother in Christ, Paul Cornelius. He is in the Hospital and Doctors think he has had a heart attack. We will further update everyone when we receive more info on his condition. Than you all for your prayers. 

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/30/2017 - 11:51am
7 years 3 months ago

Please pray for my great grand-daughter, Lakelynn (19 months old) who has the flu. I can't imagine how she must feel. I have been sick myself since Saturday with a real bad cold and congestion and I have felt terrible. My grandson Cannon (15) has strep throat. Thank you for your prayers for them both.... Helen


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/29/2017 - 6:59am
7 years 3 months ago

Alyssa Price; Please pray for me. I tend to over think and worry. It's causing me much stress and I have multiple sclerosis so stress can cause a relapse. Please pray The Lord continues to improve my balance and weakness. I have faith that Jesus is going to heal me. They say there's no cure for MS, but they just haven't met my God, I suppose. 

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/29/2017 - 6:56am
7 years 3 months ago

Alyssa Price; I'd like to ask everyone to pray for my three brothers and father. They aren't close to The Lord and not sure if they even believe. I'd love for them find healing in The Healer. Please pray they see His light and works. Thank you.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/29/2017 - 6:45am
7 years 3 months ago

Alyssa Price; Please pray that when I began my multiple sclerosis medicine on April 3rd that it improves my symptoms and I am able to walk on my own "normally" and my balance is better, please!!The medicine can also cause a JC virus to harm you, so please pray that doesn't happen for me, please!

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/29/2017 - 6:43am
7 years 3 months ago

Alyssa Price; Please pray for me. I have multiple sclerosis. The steroids have worn off and praying my neurologist gives me more tomorrow so I stop feeling so weak in my legs especially. Also, please pray when I start my MS medicine next week, it works for me and enables me to walk properly, have less weakness, and have good balance again. Thank you all.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/29/2017 - 6:40am
7 years 3 months ago

Mike N Dee Phillips; Prayers needed for my Mom please

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/29/2017 - 6:38am
7 years 3 months ago

Mike N Dee Phillips; Remember Rachael when you all pray, she’s being admitted in the hospital for kidney infection. She needs prayers for healing. I know they appreciate it. Thanks.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/29/2017 - 6:36am
7 years 3 months ago

Teresa Bettis, please pray for me. My right side is hurting and then my sisters, Jane Gass, and Mildred Humphries  God touch them from top of their head to bottoms of the feet.  We know God can do it. Please keep them in your prayers.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/29/2017 - 6:33am
7 years 3 months ago

Shirley Henry; Pray for my granddaughter please. Her pituitary gland is smaller than it should be and she may have a growth hormone deficiency. Her doctor is sending her to an endocrinologist to be tested.



Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/29/2017 - 6:30am
7 years 3 months ago

Update from my friend Liz...Her nephew Tommy got out of the hospital after being there 5 weeks after the motorcycle wreck. He still has a long way to go for recovery. Liz thanks everyone for their prayers for Tommy and asks that you keep him in your prayers. I thank God that he was able to go home. This is a good sign that he is on the road to recovery. Nothing is Impossible with God. Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/24/2017 - 4:57am
7 years 3 months ago

Clara Roberts has cancer and is starting 6 weeks of radiation. Please keep her in prayer for healing. Thank you, Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/24/2017 - 4:52am
7 years 3 months ago

My niece Wanda has pneumonia. Please pray for her. She's had it a while now. Thxd, Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/24/2017 - 4:50am
7 years 3 months ago

My friend, Liz asks that we pray for her nephew, Tommy who was in a bad motorcycle accident 4 weeks ago.  He has bleeding of the brain, 6 broken ribs and 2 broken hands. He came out of the coma a week ago but is very confused. He is a Christian and is 58 yrs. old. Thx Helen


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/24/2017 - 4:36am
7 years 3 months ago

I am asking prayer from all who wish to pray for me. I am having surgery on my nose this morning, Mar. 24 th at 6 a.m.. They will remove a small growth from my nose and drill a hole on each side so I can breathe better. I am on a CPAP machine now. Please pray the surgery is going to be enough that I can be taken off the CPAP machine. Thanks to all who pray for me and the surgery goes well. Bonnie

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/21/2017 - 7:27pm
7 years 3 months ago

Cindy Shipman is asking prayer for her husband’s  brother Terry who was taken to the hospital because of high blood pressure. We appreciate all of your prayers and support during this difficult time.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/21/2017 - 7:25pm
7 years 3 months ago

Cathy Howard Wilkerson; I am asking prayer for a beautiful person going through cancer treatment. Thank you.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/21/2017 - 7:23pm
7 years 3 months ago

Bonnie Blair; Asking for prayers for my sister, Barbara Glosson Gorman. I am coughing and temperature from 99 to 102. Thank you for all your prayers in advance!


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/21/2017 - 7:21pm
7 years 3 months ago

Gail Howard; Update; Dr. just came in and I will be moving to the step down level 02 is doing a little better. I can have food now and I will have a upper G I done when I get out. I got to have a sleep study done as well. Thank you all for the prayers one step to getting out.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/17/2017 - 9:28am
7 years 3 months ago

Mike N Dee Phillips: Alcoa, TN. Urgent Prayers for Joe Phillips plz.. Comfort & Strength for their family, as well for their loss... I know they all appreciate them. Thank you.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/17/2017 - 9:25am
7 years 3 months ago

Johnny Quillen;Prayers for my brother David. He is at UT hospital being evaluated.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/17/2017 - 9:23am
7 years 3 months ago

My friend Ruby's grandson, Gabe was walking on his street and was attacked by a dog. The dog attacked his face.  I think he is 11. 

Thank you for praying for Wanda and Gabe...  Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/17/2017 - 9:21am
7 years 3 months ago

My niece Wanda is very sick with an upper respiratory infection and asthma. She has trouble breathing, and she's coughing a lot. She also has cancer and is on drugs that weaken her immune system, so it's hard for her to get over the infection. Thank you so much for your prayers, Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/17/2017 - 9:17am
7 years 3 months ago

Tessa has a daughter from a previous marriage who is 13. Her name is Enzleigh. Her husband has custody of Enzleigh and he is getting married soon. His girlfriend is into gothic spiritual worship and they both drink alcohol and use drugs. She is very worried about her daughter. She can't do anything about it because she is incarcerated herself and hasn't been a good parent in the past. She has become a Christian and is changing for the better, but because of her being where she is, she doesn't feel like she has a right to judge her X- husband and his parenting of Enzleigh.


Thank you for your prayers for Sara and for Enzleigh.... 

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/17/2017 - 9:15am
7 years 3 months ago

Sara is in a nursing home. She has two daughters and a son. Her husband died years ago and she went in the nursing home about 2 years ago. She has a home and a car that she wants to sell. Her daughters are cooperating with what she wants but her son isn't. She would like for them all to be in agreement and would like prayer for all of her estate to be settled before she dies. She is in her late 80's. Please help Sara pray about this. Thank you for praying. Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/13/2017 - 1:02am
7 years 3 months ago

Cindy Shipman on Mar. 10, 2017 asked to please pray for her husband, John Shipman’s Family. Gary Shipman, John’s brother was found unresponsive. The medics said Gary died, but they took him to the hospital. They were able to revive Gary. He was unconscious, critical, in ICU. And they were waiting to see him.
Update on Gary Shipman: Pastor Dendy got word this afternoon that Gary Shipman has passed away. There is no other information at this time. As soon as Pastor Dendy hears from the family we will post further information. Our condolences go out to all of Gary’s family, friends and relatives. "Father in heaven, we ask that you be with Gary's family at this time. Give them peace and comfort. RIP Gary.'

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/12/2017 - 4:42pm
7 years 3 months ago

Please keep Sister Maggie Horton in prayer. Her husband, Pastor Johnny Horton, passed away. Lord, be with her when she needs you the most, put your arms around her and keep her safe, supply all her needs and Father, give her strength to do what she has to do to keep the church, Southside Full Gospel Church, open. She loves you , the church and all the people. And we all say Amen!


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/12/2017 - 4:37pm
7 years 3 months ago

Cindy Shipman March 10 at 1:35pm · Please be in prayer for my husband John Shipman's family. This morning his brother Gary was found unresponsive. The medics said he died, but took him to the hospital. They were able to revive him. He is unconscious, critical, in ICU. We are waiting to see him.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/11/2017 - 5:27pm
7 years 3 months ago

AshtonJennifer CunninghamPikeville, TN: Prayer warriors please pray for one of my co-workers and a very sweet young lady. She is in the hospital right now with pregnancy complications. The doctors have tried to find the baby's heart beat twice and haven’t been able to. They're running fluids through her right now and doing an emergency sonogram. She's 13 weeks and 1 day. Pray the doctors can find the baby's heart beat and everything will be ok

Update: Baby's heart beat has been found and baby is moving like crazy. Mommy has a cyst on her left ovary and will have to have surgery to remove either her appendix or gall bladder.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/11/2017 - 5:24pm
7 years 3 months ago

Ruby Matthews : feeling broken: North Corbin, KY. Please remember my family in your prayers. My son is on drugs so bad .. it is tearing the family apart...thank you ..God bless....And pray for me as well...


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/11/2017 - 5:22pm
7 years 3 months ago

Brenda Knight: Please lift my daughter in law up in prayer. We are at the hospital and Dr. said next 24 48 hours are critical. They said to call her family and friends. She has a 12 year old son and 4 year old daughter.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/11/2017 - 5:20pm
7 years 3 months ago

Perry Hendren : I’m asking for prayers for Lori Hendren, she fell and fractured 4 ribs , broke her back and lacerated her spleen !


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/11/2017 - 5:18pm
7 years 3 months ago

Debbie Fraser: Please pray the prosecutor will dismiss our case on March 10. Thank you God bless everyone.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/11/2017 - 5:17pm
7 years 3 months ago

Teresa Bettis: Pray for my sister Jane Gass. She needs healed from top of her head to bottom of her feet and me too.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/11/2017 - 5:15pm
7 years 3 months ago

Mike N Dee PhillipsKnoxville, TN; Prayers needed for Michelle & everyone involved. Please pray for comfort & healing. I know they appreciate it, thanks 

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/11/2017 - 5:13pm
7 years 3 months ago

Virginia Huckaby TackettCaryville, TN: Please remember my grandson in prayer. He is really sick and running high fevers and doctors said he has the flu. He is having a really hard time with it and he was really sick with a rare disease (Kawasaki disease) a while back and had to wait on some of his shots, so that makes it even worse. He is only 2 1/2 ..His name is Eli Bray if you have a prayer chain please add him to it and my daughter Brooke Smith and Jonathon Bray .Thank you

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
03/11/2017 - 5:11pm
7 years 3 months ago

Mike N Dee Phillips; feeling heartbroken. Pray for family of Jessica;

I just found out a child hood friend passed away today. We all grew up in church together, youth group trips, sung in the youth choir, Truly amazing memories. Remember her kids, her Mom & family in prayer please. I just am at a loss for words... R.I.P Jessica ~We Love You



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