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Prayer Request

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/03/2017 - 3:04am
7 years 6 months ago

Franklin Graham... (Sent in by Helen)

He spent Christmas in prison. Andrew Brunson is an American citizen who has been serving as a pastor in Turkey for more than 23 years. He and his wife raised their family there. Over two months ago, he was unexpectedly detained and has been unfairly charged with being a member of an armed terrorist organization and is still imprisoned. These are very serious charges. I spoke with Pastor Andrew’s wife yesterday, prayed with her, and assured her that I would share this with you. You can understand her concern.

I ask that you join me in praying specifically for Pastor Andrew’s protection and release. Please share your encouragement and prayers with Mrs. Brunson in the comments below and I will be sure she knows. I hope you will also share this post with others who will pray.

The Bible says, “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering” (Hebrews 13:3).

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/03/2017 - 3:02am
7 years 6 months ago

Update from Helen on; Mr. Jerry Cauthen; Lancaster County Sheriff's Office, SC. The search is over. This morning a body was found in a heavily wooded area off of Flint Ridge Road and the body has been identified as that of Mr. Cauthen. Mr. Cauthen’s family has been notified and the Lancaster County Coroner’s Office is investigating the manner of death.

The Lancaster Co. Sheriff's Office & the family of Mr. Cauthen are appreciative of all of the assistance provided. The Sheriff, Barry Faile stated: We are thankful for the army of volunteers who assisted in the search for Mr. Cauthen.
People selflessly donated their services, horses, ATV's, and refreshments. Most importantly, they gave their time. This tragedy breaks our hearts; particularly during the holidays. We will keep this family in our thoughts and prayers and ask our community to do the same.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/03/2017 - 2:51am
7 years 6 months ago

Please pray for Ed. He is going to a Dr. tomorrow for a second opinion about the biopsy he had on the cyst in his pancreas. I pray the Dr. will have wisdom and know exactly what to do. He can't have an MRI due to the stents he has. I'm hoping he can do something other than repeat the ERCP and EUS again. I hate for Ed to have to go through that again so soon after having them done 2 times since Oct. because they are such dangerous procedures. I'm praying the 3 cysts will just go away. Thank you for your prayers... Helen


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/03/2017 - 2:48am
7 years 6 months ago

Request from Debra Ray: Sent in by Helen.

Calling all prayer warriors, I have a lot on my mind and much that I have been praying about for quite a while, and even more currently so, I figure getting an online prayer circle going wouldn't hurt. Much love to everyone who reads this. I believe that when someone asks you to pray for them, you pray because prayers are free and should be given wholeheartedly! I decided to do this today because I'm standing in the need of prayer and so many others are as well. Let's pray for each other today, regardless of who or what your spiritual foundation! All prayers needed right now.  I ask my family and friends wherever you might be, to whisper a prayer for all of those who have family problems, marital problems, health struggles, job issues, or worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune. Praying for several families and people in need! Amen! Praying right now. Because of the crisis the world is in right now we need prayer more than ever!!

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/03/2017 - 2:45am
7 years 6 months ago

Please pray for Aunt Helen, who is 89 now. She has a lot of health problems. Her legs are swollen, and she has neuropathy. She is having trouble walking and keeping her balance and her feet hurt all the time. She has only had sight in one eye for many years due to melanoma, and she has dry eye. Her Dr. has her on a lot of medications which she feels is causing a lot of her problems by interacting with each other. She says she spends most of her day doctoring herself. I asked her if she had considered going into an assisted living or nursing home and she said she was giving it some thought. Thank you for lifting her up in prayer. I hope she gets the help she needs. I can only imagine how she must feel... Helen


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/03/2017 - 2:43am
7 years 6 months ago

Please pray for my aunt, Verna Snyder who is having bad pain in her left side. She had some tests but is going tomorrow for some more. She's on a lot of pain meds. Hopefully the Dr's can find out what's wrong and fix the problem. Thanks for praying, Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/03/2017 - 2:41am
7 years 6 months ago

Update: for my sister, Syvianne Anderson: She was admitted to a nursing home on Friday, but still has some fluid in one of her lungs. I'm praying she will be ok with being there and get the care she needs and get over the pneumonia. Thank you for your prayers... Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/30/2016 - 7:05am
7 years 6 months ago

There is a Christian friend of mine who just called me to ask prayer for his wife's son that has stage 4 cancer. We already know that there's nothing impossible for the Lord and He is the Great Physician that can completely heal all types of diseases and raise the dead back to life. I am asking for all the Born Again, Bible believing Saints of God to pray for her son. The Lord knows who it is. Before you pray if you have any unconfessed sins in your life, please take them to the Lord and ask for forgiveness. Thank you very much for taking the time to do this, it's greatly appreciated! Evangelist Willie Smith, Jr. Va.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/29/2016 - 2:11am
7 years 6 months ago

Perry Stone MinistrieS; prayer request

Now; The islamist group (ISIS) just took over "Quaragosh", the biggest Christian city in Iraq. There are hundreds of men, women and children that are being beheaded. The people are asking for Prayers to be made on their behalf concerning the ongoing atrocity in their country. 
Please take one minute to pray for them. Pass the message across to all your contacts so that the prayer chain will not be broken. They asked for this special prayer. Please, ensure you pass across the prayer request to the body of Christ for fervent prayers offered on behalf of the brothers, sisters and children in Iraq. This is an urgent SOS message please. Thank you for your concern. May the Lord bless you and your family and always send help your way. Amen.

With love, Joyce Meyer. Forward as received, please

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/29/2016 - 1:54am
7 years 6 months ago

Officer Jackie Tucker was shot in the head today while responding to a domestic. She is currently fighting for her life. Please share and pray for her and her agency in Alabama. She needs a miracle. Helen (original request by Joyce Meyers)

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/28/2016 - 5:11pm
7 years 6 months ago

Man, Jerry Cauthen, missing from adult care ce4nter in Lancaster County. He left on foot. Please pray for his safety and return. Helen.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/28/2016 - 4:59pm
7 years 6 months ago

Please pray for my sister Sylvianne who is in the hospital with pneumonia. She is better thank the Lord, but she is going to a nursing home from the hospital. She has had around the clock care at home for a good while now and her health issues are more advanced for the caretakers to help her at home now. Please pray for her daughter Anne because she is the one who is having to make this decision and it isn't easy. And pray for Sylvianne that she will be agreeable with the change and adapt as well as she can.Thank you so much for your prayers.... Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/28/2016 - 4:56pm
7 years 6 months ago

Please pray for my friend Brenda. She fell and pulled a ligament in her leg and is in a lot of pain. They gave her morphine but it made her nauseated. She hasn't walked since Sunday. Pray she will be able to start walking soon and be pain free. I had a pulled ligament before and it is very painful.Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/22/2016 - 9:41pm
7 years 6 months ago

I have several prayer request tonight, my brother Jack is in the VA hospital has had 2 small strokes.
My granddaughter is in Children’s Hospital on iv antibiotic for a toe infection, please remember them both. Thank you, Kathy Phillips

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/21/2016 - 6:29pm
7 years 6 months ago


Prayers for Bryce

Bryce is at peace. He is now resting. He passed away peacefully surrounded by his friends and family.

The odds were stacked against him, and he fought until the very end. He just had too many problems. His kidneys and liver continued to decline after his surgery today. The only thing keeping him with us were the two pressors maintaining his blood pressure. However, they were also causing his liver to fail. His failing liver prevented his blood from clotting. He was losing a lot of fluid and blood through his leg. It was a domino effect. They examined his hands, and determined they would have to be amputated as well as his legs. We made the decision to let him go in peace instead of selfishly keeping him with us. His quality of life was deteriorating too rapidly.

Our family thanks everyone from the bottom of our hearts. He wouldn't have made it as long as he did without everyone's prayers and support. He lived life to fullest in his 19 years, and he touched many lives passing through this world. More details will follow in the coming days about services. We love you all. Peace be with you.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/21/2016 - 5:40pm
7 years 6 months ago

A friend of Cindy's is asking everyone who can to pray for Cindy today at 3pm. If you can't pray at that time, please pray whenever you can. Cindy has been suffering with this disease for years now and it's gotten worse. I know God can heal her and I pray He will. Thank you for your prayers for her... Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/21/2016 - 5:39pm
7 years 6 months ago

UPDATE ON DR. GENE  WILLIAMS: He  went to be with the Lord this afternoon. His daughter, Sandee said he went very peacefully. Thank you for praying for him. God heard and answered by bringing him home. He isn't suffering anymore. Praise God for that!    Bless all who has prayed for him and his family. Helen


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/21/2016 - 5:37pm
7 years 6 months ago

Please pray for this little boy. My cousin had his picture on FB. I don't know what happened to him, but I do know he needs a touch from God's Healing Hand. My heart goes out to him. I can't imagine his pain. Thank you for praying for him... Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/21/2016 - 5:36pm
7 years 6 months ago

Gail & Shannon Howard asks prayer for the family of Judge David Switzer of Hat Springs, Ar. He passed away. He was planning to retire the end of this year. Thanks for praying.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/21/2016 - 4:20pm
7 years 6 months ago

Amber is asking prayer for her young daughter who has been crying for she didn't feel well. Dr. checked her out & sent her home. She is finally asleep. Please pray this goes away soon. thank you for praying.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/17/2016 - 11:42pm
7 years 6 months ago

Samantha Nettles : Please keep us all in prayer. Megan, Nelle and Jeff have the stomach virus that Me and the babies just got over. Scott and Kristen aren't feeling to good. Megan has an issue with a tooth and is on meds for pain, swelling and infection. Not a great time for her to get this. This stuff needs to move on.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/17/2016 - 10:36pm
7 years 6 months ago

Gail and Shannon Howard are asking prayer for a young 1st  year college student, Brice Briggs, from Hot Springs , Ar., who was badly burned when a gas can exploded when  trying to set a fire with gasoline. He is in the Arkansas Children’s Hospital. Please pray for him and his family.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/17/2016 - 10:34pm
7 years 6 months ago

My neighbor, Dr. Gene Williams will be taken off life support in the morning. He isn't responding to anyone or anything right now. God has him in His Hands. Dr. Williams started preaching the Gospel in 1944. He went into full time evangelism in 1957 in America and foreign countries. He has fought a good fight and I know he is tired and ready to go meet Jesus. Thank you for your prayers for him and his family... Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/17/2016 - 10:31pm
7 years 6 months ago

Janie Queener; asking prayer for me. I have been sick to my stomach for a few days and sinus problems. Just want to feel better. Thank you all and merry Christmas. God bless you all.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/17/2016 - 10:29pm
7 years 6 months ago

Update from Lavonne about her husband Jon...   Jon saw the doctor on Friday for a surgery checkup and the pathology report came in that day, Two weeks from surgery. Although, the cat scan, & MRI, said that the two tumors on the right side of his kidney was malignant, the pathology report said they were non- cancerous! Truly an answer to prayer. Jon had major surgery on the right side and is slowly recovering. He had his staples out yesterday. About 10 inches from back to front. This doesn't make him out of the woods. The tumor on the left side is a larger tumor on that kidney and they have to deal with it.  The doctor wants him to heal at least for another month and they will evaluate him for biopsies on the left side which will be in the next month or so.  We will go from there. We see his primary doctor on Monday for a checkup.  His legs and feet are swollen and the normal things aren't working.   The surgeon pushed them in and they were slow to popping back out. This may be associated with his heart. Our lives consist of doctor appointments, nurses to the house, physical therapy to the house, in short our lives are built around Jon and taking care of him and all of the finances. He is making progress but has a long way to go. We thank God for his goodness and for all of the prayers said for Jon.  Keep him in your prayers. Jon and LaVonne [Better known as nurse Good Body]

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/16/2016 - 3:40am
7 years 6 months ago

Carol Barber; Please pray for me. I've been having heart trouble & bronchitis & upper respiratory infections. My immune system is low because of other health conditions.It seems when I get better, the other one acts up. Please God! It could be much worse. I serve the almighty physician.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/16/2016 - 3:33am
7 years 6 months ago

 Effie Helmick WilesHenrico, VA; Please pray for my neighbors.. one of their children is in the hospital.. His name 

is Joe.. I pray God heals him...


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/16/2016 - 3:30am
7 years 6 months ago

Mike N Dee Phillips; Remember Tyler Parker today when you pray.. He isn't feeling too good, very sick. Thanks in advance.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/16/2016 - 3:23am
7 years 6 months ago

Mike N Dee Phillips; Remember Tyler Parker today when you pray.. He isn't feeling too good, very sick. Thanks in advance.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/16/2016 - 3:21am
7 years 6 months ago

Doris Ann Hartley: Hey can you help get a prayer circle going for Dakota. They had to life flight him. He is having seizures. Forward this everywhere please. we need prayers for this little Boy please forward to all of your friends that prayers thank you. This is a friends grandson


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/16/2016 - 3:18am
7 years 6 months ago

Doris Ann; I’m posting this for a friend (Sheila). PLEASE PRAY! I have a request too. A girl from our church Youth group and a daughter of a friend of ours was tragically hit while crossing the street after school today. The vehicle ran over her and crushed her. She was medivaced out to the hospital where during surgery her heart started failing. I do not know any more, but her name is Nichole, her mother's name is Kim and her grandma is Karen. We have known the family for many years. Thank you.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/16/2016 - 2:31am
7 years 6 months ago

Please pray for good test results and thanks for previous prayers. Shannon Raney,Searcy, Ar.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/16/2016 - 2:08am
7 years 6 months ago

Prayers please for my son, Bob Boyer, going in for heart surgery tomorrow.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/10/2016 - 9:05pm
7 years 6 months ago

My heart is heavy laden. I am asking prayer, not for me but for my son, William "Billy" Self. If you are a Christian and believe there is a God and that his Son, Jesus Christ, died on the cross at Calvary for our sins and that there is a heaven and hell, I ask you help with prayer for him. He has pneumonia and is not well. He has a spot on his lung that they have to do tests on as soon as he is better. The doctor doesn't know if it is from the pneumonia or if it may be a type of cancer. He's not sure. He has been working way too many hours on his job and I am asking God to heal his health, employment hours to cut back, and clean his household and turn things around. Doctors can diagnose but God is our healer. Thank you all for praying. I’m believing he will be completely healed and the spot on the lung will be gone when the pneumonia is gone. Thank you Lord for Billy's healing and I give you honor and glory for it in Jesus's name. Amen!

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/10/2016 - 8:55pm
7 years 6 months ago

Ashley Nicole Butler, La., asks prayer for guidance for herself.  God it's all in your hands and I need your guidance more than anything!


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/10/2016 - 8:52pm
7 years 6 months ago

Shannon Raney, Ar., Needing prayers please for pain. God bless you all.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/10/2016 - 8:50pm
7 years 6 months ago

Please keep me in prayer.  I'm in so much pain today it hurts to move. God knows all about it. Just send up some prayers. Thanks and God bless you. Doris Ann Hartley

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/10/2016 - 8:49pm
7 years 6 months ago

As we get into the holiday season so many are in need of prayer. It's hard this time of year for so many that maybe struggling financially, emotionally or health wise. I'm not asking for much but would like to ask for prayers for an unnamed family member that isn't doing so well at the moment. They need a lot of prayers right now. God knows what's going on and he's in charge of the future. Please take a moment to say a silent prayer. Thank you, Donna Howard Talley, Sugarland

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/09/2016 - 12:20am
7 years 6 months ago

Donna Howard Talley: I’m  feeling drained. ( Houston )

I just can't shake this mess I've got. I'm so tired of sinus pressure, headaches, wheezing and feeling yucky.  It makes me too tired and no energy. I need healing. Please pray for me!

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/09/2016 - 12:16am
7 years 6 months ago

Unspoken prayer request for some very special people in my life today. And for me. God knows the reason. Thanks in advance. Sheryl

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/09/2016 - 12:14am
7 years 6 months ago

Pray for my Mother they just admitted her to hospital. More updates when I find out. Thanks for the Prayers.  Judy Sivils Howard

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/08/2016 - 11:15pm
7 years 6 months ago

Please pray for a friend of mine ; I have a heavy heart for someone that I came into contract with today, someone that I love very much, they are sad, broken and only God can fix it, all I could do was listen and pray. Please pray for this person with me. God knows the situation. Pray so much that they can feel Gods Peace. (Please do not inbox me, no one needs a name to help me with this, I won't tell you anyway.... ok). You never know someone's battles until you get quiet and listen. Sometimes being quiet is for the best.  Thanks in advance. Jane Thomason, Warren, Ar.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/08/2016 - 11:10pm
7 years 6 months ago

Update from Helen for Husband, Ed: The Dr. didn't get enough fluid out of the cyst to test it correctly. They did test what he got and said it wasn't malignant. I'm glad of that, but I don't feel confident about what I read in the report. He just told him to come back in 6 months and they will test it again. I'm going to get Ed an appt. with another Doctor for a second opinion. Please continue to pray for him... Thank you... Helen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/08/2016 - 11:06pm
7 years 6 months ago

Doris Ann: - This prayer request  is for a friend, Margaret Morden Shepard. PLEASE PRAY.

Hey, if you don't care, please send this to everyone you can. My aunt's friend’s baby is in really bad shape they are doing a C section in the morning and taking him straight into open heart surgery, but they don't expect him to make it. Please have everyone you can pray..a friend asked me to share this request to get a huge prayer chain started for her friend and the friend's baby, so please pray.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/08/2016 - 11:01pm
7 years 6 months ago

Margaret Shipleym with Pat Large and 45 others.: I just came home to get my tablet to update everyone... If the doctors are saying there's " NOTHING " to be done and its up to the family? OK all you PRAYER WARRIORs, start praying for my sister, MARIE,....... WE WON'T GIVE UP THIS EASY...!!!! GOD SHOW US YOUR BLESSINGS........


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/08/2016 - 10:56pm
7 years 6 months ago

Mike N Dee Phillips;  I'm requesting prayer for 2 very special friends of mine who are both in the hospital.. Perry Hendren & Lori Hendren Please keep them in your prayers, Thanks in advance. 


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/04/2016 - 10:57am
7 years 7 months ago

Melissa Shaffer; Knoxville, Tn.; The devil is fighting me today but the devil is a liar just remember me in your prayers. Thank you.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/02/2016 - 1:46am
7 years 7 months ago

To all my family, friends & my HNC family who have been with me for the last year and a half. I thank all of you for your unwavering support. The doctor said if my next scan in January is clear I might be able to stop my chemo treatments. I am so excited. But I'm also nervous to get the next results. I somewhat feel guilty for asking for prayer more prayer after the miracle God has already blessed me with. I feel better than I have for the last couple of years but it's beginning to get harder to imagine having a normal life & hair. I know you all are very busyespecially at this time of year but if you get a chance, the next time you are saying your prayers please throw one in for a good scan results that are coming up.Thank you for all the previous prayers as well as the future ones. I apologize for the long post and God bless all of you for your help. Darla Self Crockett

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/02/2016 - 1:33am
7 years 7 months ago

Please keep all the people safe who live in and around the area of Gatlinburg, Tn. The fire is bad and some people are trapped. Thank you for your help with prayers, Georgia Clark

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/02/2016 - 1:30am
7 years 7 months ago

Please pray for my mother who is in the hospital and very sick. Thank you for keeping her in prayers. Laura



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