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Prayer Request

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/26/2021 - 9:43pm
3 years 5 months ago

Hudson, our little boy, has a low temperature now. He was free of it since Thursday. He is battling lots of secretion today. Prayers are greatly appreciated. He is up playing & his oxygen stats are stable. I speak death to the fever and secretion in Jesus’ name. We are ready to go home.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/25/2021 - 9:43pm
3 years 5 months ago

Please pray for the family of Carolyn Sue Morrow. Her daughter, Michelle Foster, was my neighbor for years. Carolyn was a friend. There will be a memorial service for her  on Saturday, Jan. 30th from 3 to 5 p.m. at 2328 Angoni Way, Fort Worth, Tx. 76131

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/25/2021 - 3:19am
3 years 5 months ago

Update on my sweet amazing niece Abigail who is 6 weeks old! Update from Jennifer yesterday! Our sweet Abigail is doing really good. They took her off oxygen today. She is breathing on her own and is now 3lbs11oz. Thank you everyone for the prayers. I just called the NICU to check on her. She weighs 3lbs 13oz Aunt Ashley and Uncle Carl love you so much already! (This is also Bro. Larry Blair’s niece’s baby.)

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/25/2021 - 3:15am
3 years 5 months ago

Pray for my sister’s eyes please the Coved Virus has left her eyes with problems, itching, burning, extremely dry and blurred vision.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/25/2021 - 3:13am
3 years 5 months ago

Please pray for my husband, they took his chest tubes out and now he is in Afib, he's not feeling good and his heart rate is really high.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/23/2021 - 3:14pm
3 years 5 months ago

Pls pray for 2 good friends. One is having full hip replacement.     The other: A mother of 4, recently discovered she has cancer. And due for 2 surgeries.
Thanks for praying.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/23/2021 - 3:12pm
3 years 5 months ago

Please keep Mary in prayer. She’s having a hard time trying to pass kidney stones. We have an awesome God that can make it possible. Pray God will touch her body from head to toe and heal.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/23/2021 - 3:11pm
3 years 5 months ago

Asked for father in law, Pops, to rest in peace.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/23/2021 - 3:10pm
3 years 5 months ago

Please pray for Billy, taking him back to emergency room. Thanks, Shirley


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/23/2021 - 3:09pm
3 years 5 months ago

He did have a heart attack. He had surgery. He has tubes run everywhere. He is sitting up. Just please keep praying.Thank you so much. Doris Ann.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/23/2021 - 3:07pm
3 years 5 months ago

She’s fighting her demons & hopefully gets into treatment to help with that. Thank you.  


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/23/2021 - 3:06pm
3 years 5 months ago

 Pls say a prayer for me. I’m having surgery today on my back. They also found half my left lung isn’t working. Thank you so much, god bless each for prayers.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/23/2021 - 3:05pm
3 years 5 months ago

Please pray for Tony, has a fever & infection. Please also pray for Kenny he fell and broke his hip and is in surgery. Thank you.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/22/2021 - 1:03pm
3 years 5 months ago

Please keep my mom in prayer she is age 77 and battling covid.Thank you for your prayers.



Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/22/2021 - 1:01pm
3 years 5 months ago

Her husband is out of surgery. He is in ICU, but praise God he’s doing ok for now. Keep praying please.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/22/2021 - 12:57pm
3 years 5 months ago

Asking prayer for me again. Pain has escalated in places I haven’t had pain in a while. I’m anxious from weaning off meds. And anxiety about future procedures for breast cancer doesn’t help. So I want to cast all my dares on the Lord the way I am supposed to. Pain is tough! Will have a coved test Monday, a ire implant on Tuesday and Surgery on Wednesday. I need the grace of God to be on me to get through this. Please pray. Thank you for your prayers.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/22/2021 - 11:57am
3 years 5 months ago

Would you please pray for me? I have been experiencing big financial problems that seem to have no solution. I need big time breakthrough. My mind just spins looking for some way to solve the financial crisis I’ve found myself in, and no matter how hard my wheels spin and I think and think, I can’t think of a solution. Please pray for breakthrough for me. I am working very hard, picking up a lot of overtime, and still, when I put pencil to the paper, I don’t know how I will be be able to meet the financial obligations that I have without some sort of miracle. Thank you for your prayers.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/22/2021 - 11:54am
3 years 5 months ago

Please keep me in your prayers. I have epilepsy and my seizures are nothing to joke about. I had a bad one last week and I am having problems walking. And the pain in my legs and feet are bad.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/22/2021 - 11:51am
3 years 5 months ago

Would you please pray for dad. We don’t know his problem but I know the one who can fix it. Amen


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/19/2021 - 4:08pm
3 years 5 months ago

They told Charlotte this morning that she has a blood clot in her lung. But we know God is still in control. Thank you to everyone that's been praying. Keep her on prayer list. Thank you Jesus.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/19/2021 - 4:06pm
3 years 5 months ago

Please keep my husband in prayer, at the ER for the second time today, once this morning for severe Gout pain, and now because his heart rate jumped up to 122. They are doing tests to see if it's a reaction from all the meds they gave him this morning or if it's his heart. He's having chest pain and high heart rate, so please whisper a prayer.Thank you and God bless.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/19/2021 - 3:28pm
3 years 5 months ago

Please pray for the family of our Sister in the Lord, Bonnell Taylor. She went to be with the Lord. She has been fighting things coming against her health for a good while. She was a great Christian lady and friend. Pray for her husband, Gary, who needs prayer to see him through and their daughters & grand- children. Pastor Dendy will let us know arrangements when he gets them. God bless all that pray for her family. She will surely be missed. Bonnie/ G.L.O. Church

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/18/2021 - 2:33pm
3 years 5 months ago

Please keep my husband in much prayer, he's in a lot of pain. His feet are swollen really big and his right arm is hurting him so bad he's about in tears. He can't hardly use it, the Doctor said she thought it might be nueropathy  but it's really giving him a fit. Thank you and God bless


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/17/2021 - 1:37am
3 years 5 months ago

Anne Ashcraft Vaught, of Mark Tree, Ar,  asks prayer for her mother in law. She has been in the hospital & now in physical therapy. She can talk now. Please keep her in your prayers for complete recovery. God bless all for praying.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/17/2021 - 12:57am
3 years 5 months ago

To all the prayer warriors: I recently found out that my oldest son is facing some prison time for acting out in greenly Colorado and I'm beside myself and don't know what to do. He’s barely old enough to do time and I'm very concerned for him so would you also please be and stay in prayer for him and me too. The apple fell right by the tree and the enemy is trying to devour it. He’s my son and I love him....I feel so bad about this. Thank you all very much and God bless you all!


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/17/2021 - 12:46am
3 years 5 months ago

I would like to ask our community to pray for the Nation of Uganda for the next few days. They are having National Elections and the Church there is asking for prayer for protection, safety and a peaceful election process. Above all they are praying for God’s Will and purpose for Uganda. Can you take time to lift up our Brothers and Sisters and this Beautiful Nation.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/17/2021 - 12:26am
3 years 5 months ago

Doris is asking prayer for her oldest son who hasn’t eaten in 2 days. His mouth is really sore. Thanks for the prayers and God Bless.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/17/2021 - 12:22am
3 years 5 months ago

Bonnie is asking prayer for her sister in Arkansas for the Coved 19. She has 5 small kids to care for and no one to help her. She needs healing fast. Thank you all for your prayers. And thank you Father for her healing in Jesus' Name. Amen

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/04/2021 - 10:19pm
3 years 6 months ago

Please keep me in prayer, I'm having bad heart palpitations, and it makes you feel really bad. Making me feel weak and like my breathing is nervous, that's the only way I can explain it. God is in control. Thank you.  Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken. Psalm 55:22, God Bless! 

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/04/2021 - 9:43pm
3 years 6 months ago

Gail Howard, asks prayer for missing Little Rock, Ar. man, 63-year-old Alan Buckels Sr. Has not been seen since mid-December. His family says Alan Sr went out to get groceries for tacos and never came back. “Haven’t seen a sign of him since,” said Alan Buckels Jr, son of missing man “just lost, that’s pretty much the only feeling I can describe at any time,” The groceries still bagged in the seat. Monday a group from out of state brought in dogs to search Murray Park for any sign on Alan Sr. Little Rock Police said the dogs didn’t find any sign of Alan Sr during the search Monday. If you have any information, you are asked to call Little Rock Police Dept. Thank you all for prayers. 

Donna Worley's picture
By: Donna Worley
01/04/2021 - 9:49am
3 years 6 months ago

My uncle, who is in his ninties fell and fractured his hip. His is in rehab. He is lost and needs Jesus. 

Donna Worley's picture
By: Donna Worley
01/04/2021 - 9:48am
3 years 6 months ago

Toby lost his battle with cancer on Sunday afternoon, please keep his wife, children and parents in prayer.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/03/2021 - 8:53am
3 years 6 months ago

Gina Self called this morning for prayers for husband Roy, who has severe problems with his esophagus. He may have to have surgery per his doctor. But they can't seem to find a date some how. God can heal. So help us pray for healing. God Bless and thank s for your prayers. 

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/01/2021 - 8:20pm
3 years 6 months ago

Dear Lord, I am asking for prayer for my husband. He was just rushed to the hospital. I’m asking for prayer for his recovery. Lord, thank you and Amen! Eve

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/01/2021 - 8:18pm
3 years 6 months ago

My wife is in the hospital now. Pray for her healing and rid her body, mind and soul of any and all illness or toxins. Fill her heart Lord with your love. Pray she is free of pain in God’s Holy name. (No names given).

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/01/2021 - 7:54pm
3 years 6 months ago

I have a special request for a close friend’s child who is not a Christian and desperately needs God and Salvation. Young people get into all sorts of things but this one really needs help. Pray for deliverance from things he does not need going into his body. God bless all for your prayers.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
01/01/2021 - 7:27pm
3 years 6 months ago

Please pray for my ex-sister in law, Sheryl Self Haley of Mississippi. She has been suffering with a torn bicep tendon at her elbow, which has been a real pain for her. She had surgery now the hard part, waiting for healing. Thank you so much for all prayers. And God bless all for your prayers.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/31/2020 - 9:33pm
3 years 6 months ago

Please, whoever you are or where you are, saint or sinner lets stand together tonight at midnight and pray for the healing of our Nation of the Virus. Seems like it gets worse daily with no help. But God!! as Brother Dendy reminds us, God can do all things. Stand united in prayer please for the world not just our US of A but all for healing of this disease and where ever it is coming from Father, put a stop to it. You are the only one we have to depend on. If there are sinners that will help pray ask the Lord into your hearts for salvation before it is too late. Love to each of you and God bless all that prays together tonight at mid-night. Amen 

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/31/2020 - 9:17pm
3 years 6 months ago

My sister, Barbara Gorman, is asking prayer for a friend of the family. His name is Bobby Hulse and lives in Arkansas. He also has the Covid Virus, and fighting for his life. He had cancer a while back. Lord build up his immune system that he has strength to fight this horrible disease, in Jesus we name we pray for all that has it. And we all say Amen.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/31/2020 - 9:10pm
3 years 6 months ago

I am asking prayer please for my niece, Stacey's husband, Jon Stone he has caught this covet 19 virus. My sister has their kids but Stacey is taking care of her husband now. Pray she doesn't get it also. And that Jon can be healed. They are all Christians. Thank God. and thank each of you for praying. 

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/30/2020 - 8:37pm
3 years 6 months ago

Doris’ son lost his leg a while back and is still in pain. I told him about John Ch. 9, about he man who was born blind. But Jesus healed his eyes when Jesus spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay,And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam.  He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing. Jesus healed the man’s eyes and he can stop your son’s pains. Believe and give God the Glory. For this blind man had to believe in order to receive his healing, I believe. Have faith, pray and believe in God and give thanks and praise when that day comes. Happy New Year’s to your family. Bonnie 




Donna Worley's picture
By: Donna Worley
12/27/2020 - 9:03am
3 years 6 months ago

Kay Bynum: My husband has a torn maniscus in his right knee, and a problem with one of his rotator cuffs, My old daughter is wanting to work with cancer patients and not in the hospital. And my son has a special need, so that is an unspoken request. Praying God's will.

Donna Worley's picture
By: Donna Worley
12/27/2020 - 9:00am
3 years 6 months ago

Janet Osborn: Toby has been fighting a rare form of cancer for three years. He is a husband and father of two children. He is in the hospital for now, but he is being sent home with hospice. Prayers for his wife, children and parents. He is our only child.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/24/2020 - 4:56pm
3 years 6 months ago

Bonnie Blair is requesting prayer for her nephew in Arkansas for surgery for a slipped disc. May the Lord be with him and the doctor and nurses attending him and leading and guiding from beginning to end of the surgery. And pray he has a complete healing without any problems later on. God bless you all. I love you Ethan.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/24/2020 - 4:17pm
3 years 6 months ago

Dear Heavenly Father, you came to heal the brokenhearted and our hearts are broken for all the ones we have lost this year from this terrible virus that surrounds us. Lord, only you can heal our sorrows over losing our friends and loved ones. We ask you to please comfort us all because you love us and have promised us everlasting consolation and hope through your loving grace. Blessed be to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our trials and tribulations, that we may be protected from any trouble and hurt as we walk with You, Lord, through the grief of losing our loved ones. We know you could speak the word and stop this horrible disease. Just as you spoke in Mark 5:22-43 when the woman had the issue of blood and you healed Jairus’s daughter. You spoke that she was not dead but sleeping. Please show us your compassion for all, in Jesus Christ’s name we pray. Say we are healed Father and we will be healed of this sickness. And we all say Amen!

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/24/2020 - 3:09pm
3 years 6 months ago

Gina Self requested prayer for her mother, Nancy Anderson. She fell and skinned her knees and they were infected. She had to go to the hospital for treatment. Thank you all for praying for her.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/18/2020 - 6:23pm
3 years 6 months ago

She went to the hospital tonight and she needs prayer. Debbie, her daughter said she was having some trouble. Roy Self called bro. Horace a while later. He told Roy Martha was a little better and they transferred her to the 3 rd. floor. We all went to the Lord in prayer for her. Please keep her in your prayers. Pastors Bennie & Jeanette Dendy also prayed for her. Lord, keep her safe in Jesus name we pray. And we all say Amen.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/18/2020 - 1:17am
3 years 6 months ago

Pls pray for salvation, physical healing and financial need to be met for this special person. This is an unspoken request by name. They have been saved in the past and baptized but back slid from you. I have been praying for this person for years. I would be most grateful Father in heaven if you could help me for my prayer to be answered while I am still here to witness this prayer request.  I give praise & honor to you for all you do for others as well as for myself.  Bless all those who are lost in sin and I would love to witness everyone in church could be saved over the Christmas Holidays if they are lost and undone without you! And we all say Amen!

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/18/2020 - 12:48am
3 years 6 months ago

I have personally been asking our Lord and Savior for months for help and answer to my prayer for my nephew Robert. It has taken lots of prayer time but it was answered last week. Father I thank you and praise your Holy name for everything that you worked out for Robert. Prayer changes things in God’s time not ours. Sometimes he answers the way we want it to be and other times not so. But don’t give up keep praying. He wants us to be positive in our prayers and believe it will happen. Don't give up.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/18/2020 - 12:26am
3 years 6 months ago

Please pray for my 2 year old son who has tested positive for Covid 19 Virus. Thank you all so very much for any and all prayers for he is in need of every one. Thank you and the Lord for your help.



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