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Prayer Request

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/18/2020 - 12:11am
3 years 6 months ago

Please prayer warriors my ex brother in law James Gardner,  needs prayer. This is the 4th week for him in the hospital. The Doctor called Tanya, his wife, today James is not doing well. We really need everyone to pray for him. Please lift him up to the Lord for help. His Wife, Angela my niece, and Anthony, my nephew, needs your prayers to. His family will have a very hard decision to make if something doesn’t change soon! James has such a good heart and would help anyone! I hate this Covid 19 Virus. Thanks to all who take time to lift him and his family up in prayer. I would be so grateful. Bless you all.



Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/10/2020 - 8:22pm
3 years 6 months ago

Carla Stackhouse, requested prayer for her cousin Kim Mathisas and family. She lost her dad last night. And I lost an Uncle. It wasn’t Covid. Thank you all for your prayers.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/10/2020 - 8:15pm
3 years 6 months ago

Dad had a bad episode with Coughing this morning which caused him to lose his breath . They had to call in respiratory therapy which they had to up his oxygen . Dad is very sick, just keep sending up the prayers, there is nothing worse than knowing your dad is very sick and you can't even be with him. The only contact you have is thru the nurse. This stuff is no joking matter. So please continue to pray for Dad, We appreciate it so much.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/10/2020 - 8:07pm
3 years 6 months ago

Doris Ann, oldest son, pain, Posted 12/10/2020
Please pray for my oldest son. He has lots of pain in the knee of the leg that he lost. God bless thanks for prayers.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/08/2020 - 7:20pm
3 years 6 months ago

Doris Ann is requesting prayer for her two sons. Both of them are sick. Thanks for all your prayers.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/05/2020 - 3:33am
3 years 7 months ago

Sorry to be a burden but I need prayer for my right leg . It has some neurological problems and it really hurts. Thank you for your prayers. Bonnie 

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/05/2020 - 3:09am
3 years 7 months ago

Rosemarie Kemper is asking prayer for her son. He had surgery and now still under the weather. Thank you all for your prayers,


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/05/2020 - 3:04am
3 years 7 months ago

Please pray for my friend and her 4 week old grandson who tested positive for Covid. Thank you and God bless you all.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/05/2020 - 3:02am
3 years 7 months ago

I need prayer. I have a blood clot. I have to go to cat lab for a blood clot to my heart. I have faith in the Lord and pray it works.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/05/2020 - 2:48am
3 years 7 months ago

He is in Rudy Hospital really sick. Will have surgery today or tomorrow. Pls pray for him.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/05/2020 - 2:42am
3 years 7 months ago

Brenda Saver I am in need of prayer. I have been having issues with my stomach. The Dr. is sending me for xrays/CT Scan of chest & stomach. Prayers are appreciated. God bless and keep you all safe.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
12/04/2020 - 11:33pm
3 years 7 months ago

Bro. & Sis. Mark Adams are asking prayer for his brother’s wife. She has a tumor on the brain and they can’t operate. She asked Mark and Gina to request prayer for her. So please keep her in your prayers. Remember there is nothing too big that our God can’t handle. Father, be with her and the family during this time of need. We thank and praise your Holy name for loving and healing her. And we all say Amen.

Donna Worley's picture
By: Donna Worley
12/04/2020 - 2:41pm
3 years 7 months ago

Stephanie LaPorte lost a nephew yesterday and is requesting prayer for all of her family. He was a young man.

Donna Worley's picture
By: Donna Worley
12/04/2020 - 2:34pm
3 years 7 months ago

please keep us in prayer me and Jesse and John and his wife ,Alexandra and her son all got covid special prayer for my grandson Timmy he little and has heart murmur thanks.

Donna Worley's picture
By: Donna Worley
12/04/2020 - 9:17am
3 years 7 months ago

She need prayer because she lost her husband. She is going through a difficult time with all of the legal things that have to be taken care of.

Donna Worley's picture
By: Donna Worley
12/04/2020 - 9:12am
3 years 7 months ago

One of my favorite teachers from DH-J; has tested positive for covid-19.

Donna Worley's picture
By: Donna Worley
12/04/2020 - 8:45am
3 years 7 months ago

Patrick is requesting prayer for his dad. He is hospitalized in Wichita Kansas. He has Covid 19 and does his mom. His mom is home bound. His dad is fighting without any machines. (his choice) The whole family needs prayer at this time.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/28/2020 - 8:37pm
3 years 7 months ago

I just want to thank God the Father, Son & Holy Ghost for 3 things. I have been praying for one for years another for almost a year, and another I know He will answer. I know we enjoy asking God for things for our self and receive it but Oh! The feeling that hits you in the chest when God answers things when you pray for others and they never knew you had prayed for them. I know He will not forget the other request for I remind Him daily for the last prayer. Isn’t love Grand when prayers are answered for the Good of others. Thank you Lord for answered prayers!

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/28/2020 - 8:21pm
3 years 7 months ago

Please take time to pray for Kathleen Walsh. She has a kidney stone and it is a large one. Thank s and bless you all for your prayers.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/27/2020 - 3:48pm
3 years 7 months ago

Please help us pray for Jason Howell. He is the  grandson of  Brother James Pack one of our members here at Gospel Lighthouse Outreach Church. Jason has the Covet Virus pray he will be okay! Thank you and bless you all for your prayers.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/27/2020 - 3:38pm
3 years 7 months ago

Please keep Brother James Pack in your prayers. He has been exposed to the Coved 19 Virus. Thank you all for your prayers and taking time to pray for all the people who need our help. One day some of us may need their help. God bless all for praying. Thank you! Bonnie

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/20/2020 - 12:04pm
3 years 7 months ago

Please pray for Billy Smith they said they may do surgery so please say a prayer for him. Thank you all & God bless all.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/20/2020 - 11:52am
3 years 7 months ago

Sister Bonnell Taylor is going in for outpatient surgery on Nov. 24 to have fluid drained off her stomach. Pls keep her in prayer.Lord let your angels spread wing over her and protect her. In Jesus name we pray. And we all say Amen!

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/20/2020 - 11:44am
3 years 7 months ago

Please pray for me. I am so sick. Thank you and God bless.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/20/2020 - 11:37am
3 years 7 months ago

Help prayer needed for Jason. I quit smoking today and I am scared. He is a boss at Surrender, my faith is incredibly strong, but this actually scares me. Love you all for prayers. "Jesus is our breaker of chains!" 

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/20/2020 - 11:30am
3 years 7 months ago

Kaylee asking prayer for her teacher who is sick. Pls pray for him. Thank you

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/20/2020 - 11:25am
3 years 7 months ago

I am asking prayers for myself. Having issues with my back. I normally don't ask for prayers for myself but this time they are needed. Thank you all in advance. I can't thank each of you personally but know they are greatly appreciated. God bless all for your kindness.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/20/2020 - 11:08am
3 years 7 months ago

Richard tested positive for Covid19. needs prayer, 

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/20/2020 - 11:00am
3 years 7 months ago

Please pray for Nicole Johnson & family. Her mother passed away a few hours ago. Thank you.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/19/2020 - 10:31am
3 years 7 months ago

Please pray for them and their family. Brother Pete Owens past away yesterday, 11/18/2020, and his wife Bert Owens is in the Hospital. Thank you for prayers and may God give the family peace & comfort. Amen!

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/14/2020 - 6:42pm
3 years 7 months ago

Nancy has problems with water buildup in her body and is in the hospital. Please pray the doctors can get the fluid from her body.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/14/2020 - 6:38pm
3 years 7 months ago

My Sister, Debi Smith,  has a horrible case of allergy problems.  She’s hoarse, with bad throat and hurts to talk. Please keep her in prayer. Thanks you, Bonnie

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/14/2020 - 6:35pm
3 years 7 months ago

Please keep Sister Theda Baker in your prayers. She does not feel well at all. Thank you. Bonnie


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/14/2020 - 6:11pm
3 years 7 months ago

My friend Sallie has bone cancer and not in good shaope. Please pray for this beautiful, brave, sister. Thx, Ty


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/14/2020 - 6:09pm
3 years 7 months ago

Please pray for Cindy Evans, who has lung cancer. Cindy is mother in law to Sister Theda Baker’s granddaughter, Keri. Thank you for your prayers, And God bless.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/13/2020 - 8:08pm
3 years 7 months ago

Please pray for Sister Flannigan. She was taken to the emergency room today. Ailment is unknown at this time but she needs our prayers. Thank you.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/07/2020 - 11:52pm
3 years 7 months ago

We are asking prayer for our sister -in-law who is having surgery on her back. Pray for all to go well .
Thank you for your prayers.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/07/2020 - 11:48pm
3 years 7 months ago

Asking prayer for a loved one who is having surgery. Please pray it goes well and recovers quickly. Thanks for your prayers.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/07/2020 - 7:46pm
3 years 7 months ago

Reita Lois White Partin Please pray for my daughter, son –in-law and myself. We were exposed to Covid. My daughter has become very ill. Thank you for your prayers.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/07/2020 - 7:43pm
3 years 7 months ago

Patty has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Please pray for a miracle. God made our bodies and He can heal them. Thank you for praying for her and the family while He heals. God bless for your prayers.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
11/01/2020 - 4:21pm
3 years 8 months ago

Brother Charles Lawrence "Larry" Blair's funeral Services will be held this Friday, Nov. 6, 2010, ( also this happens to be Larry's Birthday ) at Bigger's Funeral Home. The address is 6100 Azle Ave. , Ft. Worth, Tx. 76135, Ph. 817-237-3341. Viewing and funeral is on the same day. Viewing will be at 10 a.m. And Service will be at 11:00 a.m.
Burial will be at Jaybird Cemetery off 199 W. between La Junta & Springtown, Tx. Look for sign on right side road saying "CEMETERY." At the red light, turn     right. The cemetery is about a couple miles down the road, on the right side.  We love you alland thank you for the years we have shared.
Larry Blair Family

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
10/31/2020 - 3:06am
3 years 8 months ago

Larry was a long time member, and Deacon of GLO CHURCH. He went to be with His Lord on Fri., October 30, 2020, at 9:04 p.m. His attending nurse made this statement,” Mr. Blair mentioned he loved his wife, family, church & playing his guitar at church & was not afraid of dying for he knew where he was going.” Then he asked her, did she know where she was going. She said, “Yes, I do!” He loved the Lord truly. "We will miss you dad". Now you are completely happy with our Lord. Amen! Funeral arrangements will be announced when completed. We love you all. Bonnie and Family.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
10/28/2020 - 1:13am
3 years 8 months ago

Father, our sister, Theda Baker is sick. Whether virus or cold we do not know. We ask complete healing in her body at this time. We give honor to you for that healing in the name of your son, Jesus Christ.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
10/28/2020 - 12:58am
3 years 8 months ago

 Dear Heavenly Father, we come before you at this time in need of your almighty anointing,and blood stained hands to reach down and touch your children and heal their bodies. Lord, clean the land and air of this terrible Virus that has come upon us. You told us in your word in the last days this is some of the things that would happen. There are so many different kinds of pestilence these days that make us all terribly sick. We believe in your power and that you can do all things. So speak the word Lord and let all hear your miraculous healing words. Take away all the pains we have Father in your time and will. Lord, we thank you for your spoken promises of healing and pray you send your healing to all who have this Virus. Fill our hearts Lord, with your love, faith, and peace. Protect us from Satan’s lies, trials and torments. And let your healing begin for you raised people from the dead and we know that power still exists today. We ask healing for ourselves and for our Pastors, Bennie & Jeanette Dendy. We need our Pastors to bring the word. In Romans 10:15: it says,“ And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”
Andwe all say Amen!


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
10/27/2020 - 11:27pm
3 years 8 months ago

I am asking each one of our GLO Church members to go into your prayer closet and pull out the names of everyone you know and love that is sick, or in the hospital or just needs prayer and send me their names, reason they need prayer, try to be brief. Let’s try to get them all healed by the word of God and get us all back in church and maybe a few new persons. My email address is  If they do not go to our church and don’t want to add their full name just use their first names. God knows them. If you send a request, for someone, your name will be added as the requestor not me. I will just enter the request for you. Thank you and God bless all. Bonnie


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
10/27/2020 - 11:01pm
3 years 8 months ago

I’m asking for a quick prayer from all of you for healing for myself and Larry. I took all the chemo I was to take. I like a few more radiation treatments being through there. Now I have a huge boil on my back neck area about 2 in. up from the neck. It is hurting so bad I can’t find a place to lay my head for comfort to sleep. So I am asking our Heavenly Father for complete healing for me and for Larry and that he can come home soon.


Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
10/26/2020 - 1:39am
3 years 8 months ago

Please keep Brother Larry Blair in prayer. He is in the hospital with the Virus. Today 10/26/20 at 4:30 p.m. they moved him to ICU and inserted a pic line to give him 2 pints of blood. He is not doing too well. But with God’s assurance and prayers from the church and pastors we have faith that he will be fine. Matt. 21:22; And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
10/26/2020 - 1:30am
3 years 8 months ago

Sister Bonnie Rogers has had surgery and she is improving each day. She is also requesting prayer for Sherolyn who is in the hospital and nauseous. She is having difficulty keeping anything down. She needs our prayers. I know God is faithful.  She needs our prayers. Is. 58:8; Then Shall thy light break forth as the morning ,and thine health shall spring forth speedily : and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be my reward.

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
10/17/2020 - 11:09pm
3 years 8 months ago

Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, yes Lord your name is holy, as you are holy.  Thank you Father for being Omniscient, all knowing, God you are Omnipotent, all powerful and Lord you are Omnipresent, ever present.  So now my precious Lord, we say you already know what is wrong with little baby Jude so we ask you to touch him with your healing hand as you are all powerful and you are present with him this very moment. Father, we ask you to not only remove the pain from him but remove the fear as well from family and may we all trust you and know that you are a faithful God.  In Jesus name we pray let thy will be done. And we all say Amen!

Bonnie Blair's picture
By: bonnie blair
10/16/2020 - 10:23pm
3 years 8 months ago

Please pray for our daughter, she is a wife and mommy to three little boys. The Dr.’s. have diagnosed her as having a mass in her neck which is giving her massive trouble. Lord Jesus we are respectfully requesting that You, in Your mercy heal Christina, fill heer with your peace, hope and wholeness. Amen!




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