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Brenda sent this testimony for Thanksgiving, posted 11/24/17

Dear All, What a glorious, beautiful, sun shiny day this is.  Oh how grateful I am for my God who created the heavens and earth and me.  Oh how grateful I am for Jesus Christ who died and shed his blood for me so I could be saved.  Oh how grateful I am for heaven where I will soon be with Jesus forever who is now sitting at the right hand of God.  Oh how grateful I am for the beautiful angels God sends to me for protection, comfort, warnings.  Oh how grateful I am for the precious Holy Spirit who abides in me giving me wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  Oh how very grateful I am for God's holy Word that speaks to me, fills me up, guides me gives me instruction, love and peace and so much more.  Oh how grateful I am for my family whom I love very much.  Oh how thankful I am for this special day of Thanksgiving the Indians and Pilgrims started way back I guess around 1776 and then Abraham Lincoln in 1883 made it a holiday.  This email could go on forever as so much to be grateful for, especially for growing up in this beautiful country called America and for our flag which our precious men and women protect it and us daily.  To God be the Glory! And for all of you thank you, Brenda


Expire Date: 
Friday, December 1, 2017 - 10:45pm


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