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The Royal Telephone

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Cen-tral's nev-er "busy," Always on the line; You may hear from heav-en
Al-most an-y time; 'Tis a roy-al serv-ice, Free for one and all
When you get in trou-ble, Give this roy-al line a call.

Tel-e-phone to glo-ry, O what joy di-vine!
I can feel the cur-rent moving on the line;
Built by God the Fa-ther for His loved and own,
We may talk to Je-sus thru this roy-al tel-e-phone.

There will be no charg-es, Tel-e-phone is free; It was built for serv-ice,
Just for you and me; There will be no wait-ing
On this roy-al line  Tel-e-phone to glo-ry,
Al-ways answers just in time.

Tel-e-phone to glo-ry, O what joy di-vine!
I can feel the cur-rent moving on the line;
Built by God the Fa-ther for His loved and own,
We may talk to Je-sus thru this roy-al tel-e-phone.

Fail to get your ans-wer? Sa-tan's crossed your wire
By some strong de-lu-sion  Or some base de-sire;
Take a-way ob-struc-tions God is on the throne
And you'll get the answer Thru the roy-al tel-e-phone.

Tel-e-phone to glo-ry, O what joy di-vine!
I can feel the cur-rent moving on the line;
Built by God the Fa-ther for His loved and own,
We may talk to Je-sus thru this roy-al tel-e-phone.

If your line is "ground-ed," And con-nec-tion true
Has been lost with Je-sus, Tell you what to do;
Pray'r and faith and prom-ise mend the brok-en wire,
Till your soul is burn-ing, With the Pen-te-cos-tal fire.

Tel-e-phone to glo-ry, O what joy di-vine!
I can feel the cur-rent moving on the line;
Built by God the Fa-ther for His loved and own,
We may talk to Je-sus thru this roy-al tel-e-phone.

Car-nal com-bi-na-tions  Can-not get con-trol
Of this line to glo-ry, Anchored in the son!
Storm and tri-al can-not Dis-connect the line,
Held in constant keeping  By the Father's hand di-vine.

Tel-e-phone to glo-ry, O what joy di-vine!
I can feel the cur-rent moving on the line;
Built by God the Fa-ther for His loved and own,
We may talk to Je-sus thru this roy-al tel-e-phone.


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