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What is Liberty?

When I lived in Ferndale, Florida, there was an incident that happened that was different. A little boy, about 3 had grabbed his fishing pole and slipped across the road, after digging worms for bait. There was a lake and fishing area under the bridge. A policeman was driving by and didn't see an adult so he stopped and walked over and asked the child if anything was biting? The boy replied, 'nothing biting but my bate.' The officer started to leave and as he was walking away, got to thinking, what kind of bate bites? He turned back to check the bait. The little boy had dug up a nest of ground rattlers. They do look like worms. When I saw a nest I thought that they were worms, beautiful iridescent salmon colored. I never saw any before. The policeman scooped the child up and got him to the emergency room. He left him there and found the boys mother and took her to the emergency room. Thank God for a concerned, alert officer. All was well. Moral of the story was, be sure you know your worms are just that, worms. God is so good. What is Liberty? Most people would say freedom, freedom to do what they want. I asked John, my husband. He said, 'liberty was the freedom to do anything as long as you didn't step on any ones toes., close. Liberty is the freedom to do anything you want as long as you don't infringe on another persons rights. That covers anything that is illegal or immoral. I have the right to believe what I want. Go to the church of my choice, and talk freely about my religion. I cannot force my religion on others. The Bill of Rights, states that I have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the right to bear arms. The right to liberty and pursuit of happiness. Why is it that in some colleges the allow eastern religions to be taught; but they are not allowing us to teach the Bible. They have even gone so far as making Christians take out the Ten Commandments out of government offices. And also not use the nativity scene at Christmas. Some have even gone so far as to not allow their employees to say Merry Christmas. Come on, The United States of America was founded on the principles of the Holy Bible, the very word, inspired by God. Men fought to keep us free. We were blessed above all others, until we turned from the heritage that this country was founded on. They have taken our rights, one by one. What is it going to take to get the Christians to unite and stand up for our rights? God is warning America, 'wake up and stand together for our rights. God is calling us to repentance. When the wicked rule judgment is perverted. You may ask, what can I do? Repent, pray and obey. God won't ask you to do what you can't. We can do all things through Christ Jesus, which strengthens us.
Expire Date: 
Thursday, February 26, 2015 - 9:30pm


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