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The Fullness of The Spirit

I want so much of the Word of God in me that if a mosquito bites me, he would go away singing 'There is power, power, wonder working power, in the blood, of the Lamb.' Now for the main topic of the day. The Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, The Holy Ghost or just the Spirit, these are all the same person of the Godhead. He was in the beginning. Genesis1:2- says that the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. The Holy Spirit is mentioned all through the Bible. David said in Psalms 51:11- Cast me not away and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. David knew that the Holy Spirit was a part of his life, a very special part. He knew the importance of the Holy Spirit. He learned that sin separated the blessings of the Holy Spirit and that repentance brought this relationship back in good standing. Isaiah 28: 10-12 says that with unknown tongues God would speak to His people and this was the rest and the refreshing. Joel 2:28,29 states that God would pour out His Spirit and your sons and daughters would prophesy, old men dream dreams, young men see visions and on his servants and handmaids he would pour out His Spirit. Matthew 3:11- says that he,(John), baptize with water but one mightier than he will baptize with the Holy Ghost and fire. (fire is a purifier, spiritually, not a literal fire.) Jesus said in John 20:22- receive ye the Holy Ghost. that was a command and did not happen until the day of Pentecost was fully come . Joel also was a prophesy of that day when the 120 were baptized with the Holy Ghost. Acts 1:8- states that we shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost comes upon us. Jesus said in John 16:7- that He must go away that the comforter, the Holy Ghost, could come. The appointed time. Acts 2:4- states that they all were filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues (languages unknown to them) 1 Corinthians 14:22 says that tongues are a sign... that one is filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Lord has given us His Spirit to guide, protect, teach, empower, to know God's will and so much more. It is a truth that we get excited when the Holy Spirit is upon us. We may act strange but consider when the world is rooting for their favorite team; they jump and shout, carry on with great emotion. How much more should we get excited about the King of Kings presence and His Spirit on us. So many of the churches today have lost their fire. How about you ?
Expire Date: 
Saturday, March 21, 2015 - 3:00am


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