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Why God?

Sister Sarah was a godly woman on a pension. She believed God and trusted Him to keep her. Times was tough and she was almost out of food. She would get out on the screened porch to pray. It was cooler. She lived next door to an atheist who was very rude. She was praying and asking God to provide food. The old man would scream obscenities at her. He overheard her asking the Lord for food. He decided to pull a good one on her. So! he went and bought her a bill of groceries and set them on her porch. He would do anything to belittle her God and shut her praying up. Later that day she went to pray and she found the groceries. She done her happy dance before the Lord and was shouting and praising Jesus for supplying the groceries. He couldn't take it any longer. He popped up around the corner and "shouted your God didn't give those groceries to you, I did." She shouted O, praise the Lord for these groceries and he made the donkey next door pay for them. God is Good, all the time. Many time we wonder why God allows so many disasters to happen. But stop and think about it. When God created man kind, He gave him a free will. That free will can give us peace and joy serving the Lord, or corrupting due to our bad choices. Let me give you an example. Joe and Jane choose to take drugs and drink liquor. Jane gets pregnant. Why should she miss out on the fun? So she joins in. Long about her fifth month she goes in labor. It is a struggle for the baby. He dies. All of a sudden they are blaming God for the Loss of their child. God gave them a free will. Was it God's fault? Another scenario, over in some countries you have ungodly men who take the provisions for the poor. Children are dying while they feast. In India they worship animals and believe that some of them are their ancestors are re- incarnated. They feed the rats, the cow is sacred and they will not kill it for food or take the milk. Meanwhile their people are starving to death, especially the babies. Who's at fault. Remember, free will. Sin will take you farther than you want to go. The wages of sin is death, Romans 6:23; When we abuse our selves and live in corrupt lifestyle we will pay. The second half of that verse is, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus Sometimes it is as simple as being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Consider trying God's way. Ask him to forgive you and be your Lord. Live for Jesus, Read your Bible and find a Bible preaching church. How can anyone say God is not real? Be faithful and serve the Lord.
Expire Date: 
Friday, March 27, 2015 - 3:00am


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