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Truth - Lie

I had the privilege of performing a wedding of a couple who were re-united. Family had caused the separation. They had 3 children and they needed both parents. I had asked the question, is there anyone who objects to this marriage; I politely said, "forget it." It wasn't meant to be funny. Everyone burst out laughing. The family, mom, dad, and kids needed to be together. Oh well, what can I say except God bless them. How was your weekend? It was a nice wedding. Truth or lie is according to the individual. But there are some truth's that are true no matter what people think. I am asking that you read the rest of this article and consider that I am telling you these truth's because I care and want to see you in heaven. Heaven is a real place for the blood bought Christians will spend eternity with God, the creator. Why blood bought? Because Jesus, God's only begotten son, (John 3:16-18) came to earth as a babe in a manger. He was born of the virgin, (Luke2) Lived 33 years and was crucified for our redemption. He took 39 stripes for our healing. (John 19:1- Jewish custom 40 stripes minus one, lest they die 2 Corinthians 11:32-4 compare.) Endured the beatings, the degrading cruelty of a roman cross, of which his own natural people caused. He paid the debt for our redemption, because we couldn't. Jesus loved us that much. We must repent and be converted...( Acts 3:19) (Romans 10:9,10) Confess with your mouth Believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. paraphrased Hell is also a real place for those people who do not receive Jesus as their personal Savior. That is the thing that will send you to hell. To repent means to turn about 180 degrees: From a life of sin to a life that Jesus Christ helps you to be by his Spirit. The Bible is the inspired word of God. Written by many men as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. (2 Timothy 3:16-17 says that the bible was written by the inspiration of God for the person of God. It is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, instruction in righteousness. That we may be perfect, knowing truth unto all good works. Even before Columbus discovered that the world was round the Bible stated that the circle of the earth- which means round. (Isaiah 49:22) Proverbs 15:24- that he may depart from hell beneath....( Isaiah 14:9)- says hell from beneath is moved... Amos 9:2- says though they dig into hell.. Hell is enlarging itself with all the earthquakes. It is in the center of the earth. (Isaiah 5:14) Where will you spend eternity? It's up to you.
Expire Date: 
Saturday, April 4, 2015 - 1:30am


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