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Fear God?

Someone asked me to make a plea for donations for a young girl who was in such bad shape they didn't expect her to live. I was given a sheet of paper with information about the young woman. It showed a picture of her. I was led by the Spirit not to do anything last week. This week is different. As a believer in God almighty, creator of heaven and earth, the giver of life; I cannot ask for money to bury her because she is still living. I do believe that my God can bring her through this and heal her. He may not want her to enter eternity just yet. I've been through this situation to many time to thing God is just going to let her die, as best I know unsaved. My twin sister was given no chance so many time and still she lived to be 64 years old before God took her home to heaven. From birth to eternity, the doctors said ,no hope. She was a miracle of birth, 2 1/2 pounds at birth. She had a cancer on her back, at a very early age. Radiation took care of it.( It was really God's mercy). Whopping cough,asthma, sick all her life. She had high blood pressure, diabetes, 98% blockage of oxygen to her brain, cancer twice more. Kidney failure, Bleeding from ? Bowel blockage and the list goes on. Still God seen fit to let her live and touch peoples lives. I really believe that He can do the same for her. He is no respecter of persons. Is anything to hard for God? I will ask for your earnest prayers for her and the family. Life is not the most important need, but being truly saved and ready to leave this world is. Souls are my goal. WANTED- prayer warriors. Send in name. I've got a question for you. Is it worse, to have someone upset with you or to displease God? As for me and my house we choose to serve the Lord. We make mistakes but we believe in repentance, and turning to God for help and listening for His voice. So many of the people think that God is a sugar daddy. I said that while I was preaching and after the message this guy came up and argued that God was a sugar daddy. I tried to explain what a sugar daddy was. It is not godly. He never got it. God is holy and should be reverenced, feared. It is all about God and being witnesses for His glory. I believe in being blessed, healed . all my needs being supplied but that is not why I serve Him. 3 John 2 says that we should be blessed and be in health even as our souls prosper. Matthew 10:28- states that we should fear him which can kill you and cast you into hell. This fear banishes terror, produces true love. which produces fellowship with God. This fear is a reverence that influences attitude and disposition in trust through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It will create in us respect for others, the house of God, even ourselves. The youth today have been taught no respect or reverence. That is why they are so unruly and destructive. They learn me first. Let's start teaching our youth manners and respect. Love God first.
Expire Date: 
Saturday, April 25, 2015 (All day)


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