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The older we get-- the wider where we sit. the body needs some lifting and we need more to cover up the rest. But| By this time of life, by the grace of God and help of the Holy Spirit, we have inner beauty, a grateful heart, a meek and quiet spirit. We pray that our spouses don't mind that they are imprisoned in a well-padded cell. Now to the topic of healing. So many times we wonder why we don't get healed. I t would take me weeks to cover all the reasons of not being healed. Healing is the children's bread. Sometimes the Lord will say, be patient, just a little longer.God's ways are not our ways and His timing is not as our timing. I know we need to search our hearts to see if there be any wicked ways in us. This is a must. I am only dealing with one area. Peter asked how often he should he forgive his brother when he trespasses against him in Matthew 18. 7 times a day? Jesus said, 70 X 7. Colossians 3:13- Forbearing one another, forgiving one another. If any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. Unforgiveness is like a cancer, it eats at you. Forgiveness is not mainly for the one who hurt you , but for your benefit. Matthew 6:15- states that your heavenly Father will not forgive you if you harbor unforgiveness in your heart. This in itself is a very serious situation Without being forgiven we can't go to heaven. Where does that leave us if we don't forgive? In sin and hell bound. I had a Christian call our electric company and cut our electricity off in the dead of winter and our place was all electric. That meant no running water, because we had a well, no heat or preserving or cooking our food. We lived 16 miles out of the city, so we couldn't run down to the grocery store every day. It wasn't an easy thing for me to forgive her. But through that situation I learned that if I did what I could do, and trusted God to help me do the rest. I determined in my mind that I was forgiving her. I sure didn't feel it; but in time, I did. I stayed away from her as best I could while the healing was taking place . I spent about a week sitting next to her,caring for her in the hospital. Then 3 days. She cried when I had to go home. I lived 150 miles away. God gives us grace to stand according to his word. He knows our frame and what we need. We but ask in faith, according to His will and wait patiently for God is faithful. The scripture in Galatians 6:9 it says be not weary in well doing for we will reap if we faint not. Don't give up. We don't live by feelings but by faith. If you want to stay mad at someone , stay mad at the devil, enemy of our soul.
Expire Date: 
Friday, May 1, 2015 - 11:30pm


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