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Hearer of the Word, Doer of the Works

May all mothers be blessed this special day. A priest was driving one night. He was in an awful hurry to get to the perish. He had been at the wedding of a friend across town and it was late. He was speeding. A policeman pulled him over. As he got all the information he could smell alcohol on his breath. He asked the priest, 'have you been drinking?' The priest answered, ' only water.' The Policeman seen an empty wine bottle in the floorboard. He picked it up and showed it to the priest, which replied, 'the Lord did it again.' Well! it's good for a laugh What is a mother? One who cares for you when you're sick. Corrects you when you're wrong. Provides a stable home and protects you from danger and harm. She cooks, washes your clothes, wipes your tears when you're when you cry and holds you gently when you're hurt. Teaches you right from wrong and how to deal with others fairly. She prays for you and should take you to Sunday School. She lives a godly life before you. There are good mothers who haven't accepted the Lord yet; and the last three they don't do. If you are one of these, I urge you to accept the Lord today. James 1:25 states that you need to be a doer of the word and not a hearer only, deceiving your own self. You have to study God's word to know what to do. (2 Timothy 2:15) Just reading isn't enough. James 1:25 says that he that looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, not forgetting what it says, and is a doer of the work, this person shall be blessed in all their deeds. Having faith is a part of this work. But just believing is not the whole part. James 2:14-18 says that true faith produces works. If you witness to a person on the street and they haven't had a meal in a day or two, are they going to accept your testimony.But, if you feed them, even if it's a peanut butter sandwich, and a bottle of water, they tend to listen because you have showed them kindness. If you can do more, praise God. So many have heard so many people who don't really care. They try just to make a good impression, or whatever their reason. Faith without works is dead, just as the body without the spirit is dead. James 1:3,4- states that the trying of your faith builds patience. Let patience have her perfect work, that you become perfect, entire wanting nothing. We learn how to live and do God's will in the Bible.
Expire Date: 
Friday, May 15, 2015 - 11:00pm


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