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This is the season

There was a little boy standing outside a shoe store; bare footed, gazing T longingly. Betty was a very devout christian, always looking for someone to bless. She had the means and even greater, the desire. She saw this boy just gazing and she told her driver to stop.She walked up and asked the boy what he was doing. He said that he was praying for a pair of shoes. They went in together and he sat down and they got a pair of shoes. Betty told the clerk to bring 10 pairs of socks and fitted him for a jacket, it was very cold and the boy had nothing but his clothes. He put on socks, shoes and the jacket and bagged the rest. As they walked out she asked his name, he looked up and asked, "are you misses God?" Oh, well! This is the shittim season, Sabbot, Pentecost, and Jubilee. The land rests, the people no longer are slaves, and the land that was sold is returned to it's original owner. and the celebration of Pentecost. This very day the Jews are celebrating these feasts. From my understanding they come to celebrate, it is with a love offering to the Lord. It is a shame that we see so many Christians that are rude, ungrateful and unconcerned about anyone but themselves. They go to church just for status. They expect to receive. God is a holy God, 1 Peter 1:16 says ' be holy for God is holy. Hebrews 12:14- states that without holiness no one can see the Lord. What is holiness? Striving to be like Jesus; to follow his example of love and mercy, rightness with God. In this season of rejoicing and honoring our Lord, let us not forget what He has done for us. Let us pray for our Jewish brothers and sisters and support them however we can. We owe them a debt of gratitude. Pentecost was the giving of the Holy Spirit, to the saints. He is for all who will receive Him. It was the 50th. day . The feast of weeks(7) and the next day which is 50 days. Leviticus 23:15,16.They shall not appear before the Lord empty. Exodus 23:15. Deuteronomy 16:16. God is not a gimmi, gimmi, God. He is the greatest of all, loving, kind and faithful. He could of destroyed us but instead He sent Jesus to die for our sins, and paid the ransom for us. God does miracles in our lives and sets His angels around us. He asks so little and gives so much. We are asked to believe, repent and serve Him. Jesus said take my yoke upon you, for my burdens light. Worship Him in the beauty of holiness, appreciate, praise and give to him your all. The return is eternal.
Expire Date: 
Saturday, May 23, 2015 (All day)


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