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Live, Love, What?

The ministers son had just gotten his drivers license. He asked his dad if they could discuss the use of the family car. Come in to my study and we will talk about it. So they did. Dad, now that I have my license I would like to use the family car. His dad replied," bring your grades up, study your Bible each day and cut your hair. Then we will talk again." A month went by and the son asked again. Again they went into the study. The minister said, son, I am proud that you have brought your grades up, and have studied your Bible every day. But, you still haven't cut your hair. Johnny thought a minute and replied, Sampson, Adam, Moses, and even Jesus had long hair. The dad replied, yes, and they walked everywhere they went. God expects us to do all He asks, too. Do we? We live until we die. The main purpose of man is to know the Lord and help others to do the same. We are all called to do this. I got a call the other morning from a young lady who just lost her dad. I knew him briefly. I asked if she wanted me to pray with her. She said ' I don't want to pray.' It grieved my heart. Less than a year ago she went through surgery for ovarian cancer. I stayed with her for a week to help. She had stated that she had made things right between her and God. When we get saved there is a commitment. God is not a geni, make 3 wishes and live like you did after things improved. God gave us the most precious gift, His Son, Jesus Christ; to redeem us. John 3:16-17 states that God so loved mankind that He gave Jesus to pay the price of redemption. Whoever believes (accept as fact, live for relies on, ) should have everlasting life. God didn't send Jesus to condemn the world (the human race), but , the world through Him might be saved. 18. He that believes not is condemned already because he has not believed in the only begotten Son of God. and his name is Jesus. Acts 4:12 says that there is no other way that we can be saved, except through Jesus. O, my precious friend, don't wait until you stand before Jesus, to be judged, to repent. It will be to late. Just as sure as there is a heaven for the redeemed, there is a hell for the lost. Wont you pray as the Spirit is moving on you. Pray with me. Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. You were born of the virgin Mary. You were crucified at Calvary. Rose again the 3rd. day, sit on the right hand of God making intercession for the saints. I am a sinner and repent. Save me. thank you
Expire Date: 
Saturday, May 30, 2015 - 1:00am


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