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In due season...We will reap if we faint not !

A young college student hadn't written her parents in months. Her letter went like this. "I'm sorry for not writing sooner. After the dorm fire, I jumped out the window and broke my arm. I didn't have a place to live and this nice young man said that I could share his basement apartment. He's not of our nationality, or our religion but he is a very nice person. We have fallen in love and are going to get married. No date set yet but it will be before I'm showing. As such godly, wonderful parents you have been; I know you'll understand. No Mom, Dad there was no fire, no broken arm. I live in the dorm, I'm not expecting and not getting married, but I am failing in history and science. Love Julie." Well let's get serious. Have you ever felt that you do good and you are rewarded with bad? I have. But i had to learn a lesson in patience, God's timing is not our timing and He hasn't forgotten. We may go for years and all of a sudden we are rewarded, if we faint not. I was reading the book of Esther. Mordecai, Queen Esther's uncle, saved the King's life. It was recorded. Approximately 5 years went by and the King had the scribe read the book of chronicles, discovering that Mordecai had received no recognition for his bringing to light the conspiracy against the King, saving the King's life. He decided to give honor to Mordecai. He was faithful, sat in the gate of the King day after day. I can imagine it hurt when he was ignored. This is recorded in Esther @ 21-23, The reward is recorded in Esther 6:1-10 What was so interesting was that his enemy had to honor him. There are so many places in the Bible that show us the patience of the saints. Galatians 6:9 Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. If we obey God, we need patience to receive the reward. God is faithful, we need to trust His grace and know that it is coming. Let us have a right attitude and keep peace and pursue it. Encourage ourselves, King David had to, and he was the apple of God's eye. Don't let the devil fool you into letting go of your reward. Hold on it is coming. Be at your post with a smile and know God is watching and has set a time for our reward. Why should we worry or fret. Psalms 37 says to fret not because of evil doers, the remedy!. fret not, God, 3. delight in God, 4. commit thy ways to the Lord. He will bring it to pass and 5. rest in the Lord. Isaiah 28:9-12 in the Holy Spirit He is our comforter.
Expire Date: 
Saturday, June 6, 2015 - 12:30am


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