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Why Should I Forgive?

Mary's Prayer- Thank you God, I have been so perfect today. Lord, I haven't talked about anyone or spread any gossip. My thoughts are pure, my speech is clear. I haven't argued with my husband, or gotten mad at my mother. Jesus, me and my brother haven't had a cross word today. I haven't had a run in with the teacher, nor had arguments about the sermon of our preacher. Thank you Lord, the day will go well when I get out of bed. Oh well! I think she has a problem. It is necessary to forgive. As hard as it may seem, it is possible, and necessary. Matthew 6: 14-15 states that if we forgive men their trespasses (sins) God will forgive ours; but If we don't forgive we will not be forgive. That sounds pretty clear. Sometimes we are so devastated and overwhelmed. What do we do? The Lord really gave me a lesson in forgiveness. Not to say, that I still don't get tempted to not forgive. But the Lord reminds me of the past experiences and I do what he taught me to do back then. I made up my mind that I was going to forgive that person even though I still didn't feel like it. I was determined to do so, with the help of the Lord Jesus. I told the Lord that i was going to forgive. I didn't feel like it, but His Word said I must and I couldn't find what I needed to do it; would He help me to fulfill the word of truth. I trusted Jesus and avoided that person for a short time to let the healing begin in me. It did, and I did. A short time later I was able to sit by her bed in the hospital through two surgeries. I was at peace and I was forgiven. That wasn't the only time, but you see my point. The hardest person to forgive, for me, was myself. I was raised in church since I was 3 months old. I had lots of good teachers. But I still backslid and went the way of the world for a season. I picked up smoking, and started to drink. Miraculously I never consumed very much alcohol. That was a gift from God. So many of my family were alcoholics. I was no angel. I never lost my desire for the Lord. I shouldn't of let the devil sidetrack me. I never realized that I had to forgive myself, until one day the Lord graciously brought it to my attention. That was harder for me to do, than forgive the others. Praise the Lord Jesus, He had taught me what to do. When Satan or his imps come to throw something in my past at me, I can proudly say, back off devil, My sins are forgiven and under the blood. That was another Genny she doesn't exist anymore, Praise God.
Expire Date: 
Saturday, June 20, 2015 - 12:30am


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