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Speak, Donkey

John Peters and Kerry were just wed in Horseshoe Bend Community Church. As they traveled down the road in their buggy, the mule began to be stubborn. John stuck one finger up and said, 'one.' They went on down the road a ways and he balked again. John, a little agitated, stuck two fingers up and said, 'two.' At the crossroads he stopped. 'three.' John jumped out of the buggy, grabbed a branch and hit the mule across the head. Kerry angrily yelled. John said, 'one.' Kind of sounds like my Dad. In Numbers 22, we read of a story about a smart female donkey and a stubborn man. The Children of Israel were battling Moab. They had defeated, Og, King of Bashan, and the Amorites they drove out. Balak sent out men to get Balaam to curse Israel, because they knew that God did as he prayed. They stayed the night and the Lord spoke to Balaam and said not to go or do as they ask. They went back to Balak and he sent other princes more honorable. Balaam had told them again he told them that he could not go or do as they asked. He could not curse that which God had blessed. Then Balaam asked them to spend the night and he would pray and see if God changed his mind. So he prayed and told Balaam to go with them.He & 2 servants went. An Angel with a drawn sword stood in the middle of the road. The donkey went into the field. The next time the Angel stood in the path of the vineyard, next to a wall. The donkey went into the wall and crushed Balaam's foot. The third time the Angel stood in a narrow path and the donkey, she fell to her knees. Balaam smote the donkey with his staff.The Lord opened the donkey's mouth and I'm sure, God said, speak, donkey. What have I done to deserve this.I have been faithful. Finally Balaam saw the Angel of the Lord with his sword drawn and the Angel said, wth Balaam prostrate, why have you smitten this donkey three times? I went to withstand you these three times because your ways are perverse before me: the donkey turned each time and I would of spared her only. Balaam said I have sinned and I will go back. The Angel said, no, go with them, say what I tell you. Balaam went Barak and said, I will speak the words that God puts in my mouth. After 2 sets of 7 altars, with an oxen and a ram on each for a burnt offering sacrifice. God said to bless Israel & He did. God is not a man that He should lie. The donkey spared Balaam, spoke to him truth & Balaam repented. R U stubborn?
Expire Date: 
Saturday, June 27, 2015 - 5:00pm


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