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Epistles known and read of all men!

Pastor John began his sermon on Sunday morning with this statement. " I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is that we have the money to pay off our church this week. The bad news is that it is still in your pockets." Support your local church with your tithes and offerings. When you obey God, He will open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing. Now that I've done a little meddling I'll get into the word. What does people learn about God through our lives? Do they see a loving, caring, compassionate God; Not willing that any should perish? 2 Peter 3:9 God is holy and we must follow His example. Honestly I have seen Christians that were cruel, heartless, and their motto is to do unto others before they do to you. Not the golden rule, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Matthew 7:12 Their ways are selfish, self centered, their prayer is God bless me, my four and no more. I like those bracelets that have wwjd. We need to consider how we treat people. I was shunned and abandon because my son went to prison. Some show sinners contempt. We never knew the Lord to turn one away because they were sinners. We are to be the instruments to show people the love Jesus had for them when He paid our ransom at Calvary's hill. God so loved the world he gave us Jesus. o the sadness of my heart when I hear people say that Jesus was just a good man. The song writer said it so beautifully, He left the splendors of heaven,m knowing his destiny, T'was a lonely chill called Golgotha, where He laid down His life for me. If that isn't Love...." Good people are sometimes good with bad motives.Is your heart right with God? How do you present Jesus, God's Son, through your actions and words? Do you feel that you are better than others, do better or have more?Jesus said to repent. Are you loaded with pride? We must be aware of the devil's devices. Lord Jesus, forgive us of our sins of haughtiness. sin of pride , selfishness, greed, unconcern, faithlessness, hopelessness, mistrust and help us be led by your Holy Spirit and show people what you are really like. God's word says that we are members of one another. Ephesians 4:25 Would you receive Christ if your witness was witnessed to you of someone else? Our goal is to win all we can. Think about it. I want to see all of you in Heaven some sweat day. I've got to make it, whatever it takes. Love in Christ sis. Gena.
Expire Date: 
Saturday, July 18, 2015 - 12:30am


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