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What do you think about Jesus?

Brother Stubblefield made a statement about a lot of professing Christians today. "People today are shacking up with the devil & lying in their bed, expecting God to pay their bills."  That sums it up accurately.  How do you perceive Jesus" Do you think of Him as a kind of sugar daddy? Is He just someone to have around when you need help; or do you love Him and desire to spend time with Him each day, & study His Word: to help you know Jesus better? Paul said , just to know Him & the power of His resurrection,,, Philippians' 3:10.  It goes on  to say that he, Paul , also desired to be in fellowship of His suffering , even unto death. That is the closeness that we need. Jesus said that many of His disciples turned away & went back when He spoke of eating His flesh & drinking His blood. Jesus was speaking of  by taking communion in memory of Him. He wasn't promoting cannibalism. Desiring to be a part of Him. Christ living in us. That is what  a Christian is to do. Jesus said , in Matthew 11:29 take my yoke upon you and learn of me.... How? Fellowship, prayer, the study of God's word. 2 Timothy 2:15 says to study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman, that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. How do we spend our time each day?  Do we race through each day to do things and maybe think about Jesus before we go to sleep. Maybe get through now I lay me down to sleep, before we fall asleep. It says to pray without ceasing... 1 Thessalonians 5:17. That means to have a prayer on our heart. Prayer is simply talking to Jesus. We pray to Father God in the name of Jesus, that gives us the authority. Jesus is the only way to be saved. He is sitting at the right hand of the Father making intercession for the saints.  I pray that this note changes your relationship with Jesus. I realized that I was praying, talking to Jesus all day long. I felt guilty because I didn't get down and pray a long prayer. I'm free & praising Jesus. There is no room for guilt. If we sinned , we need to repent & go on. If we offended someone we need to ask their forgiveness. If we have a falling out with someone we need to make things right. It says not to let the sun go down on our wrath. We can be angry, but are not to sin. That little bracelet that has the WWJD on it, is a good reminder for us to consult with Jesus when life's mishaps occur, He always knows the best way to go. If we go Jesus' way we will never go wrong.
Expire Date: 
Saturday, September 19, 2015 - 2:30am


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