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Be patient! God hasn't forgot

We have started a campaign to help the youth group.  There is t-shirts on sale at Booster.  com  for the Gospel Lighthouse Youth.  Wont you buy a t or two for our youth.  We choose  to be Christians and choose to be Americans.  I believe you will like the t-shirts.  I thank you in advance. October 19-30 is early voting. DONT FORGET TO VOTE.  If you don't vote, you have no right to complain about the results.  Seek the Lord about the candidates.  He knows the truth.  I feel led to write about being patient: when we have done the will of God.  We may not see the reward as soon as we'd like.  But God is faithful if we faint not.  Galatians 6:9.  In the Book of Easter we read about Mordecai, Easter's uncle, is sitting in the King's gate and he hears two of the King's chamberlains talking about being angry with King Ahasuerus, intending to lay hold on him.  So he told  Queen Ester of their plan and she told the King.  They were caught and hanged.  The King did not reward Mordecai for several years.  He did have the incident written in the Book of Chronicles before the King.  Haman was promoted to a very high position.  He was the great...  grandson of King Agag, 1 Samuel 15-  Saul was told to destroy everything when they battled the Amelikites.  He did not and God took the kingdom from him because of his disobedience.  Agag's wife got away.  She was with child.  Finally over 530 years later,  Agag's descendant was Haman, whom hated the Jews, and  intended to destroy all of them.  He signed a petition that all Jew's be killed.  Mordechai found out and told Ester.  She went before the King, not considering her own life.  During this time the King dreamed and the book was read to him.  He realized that he had not rewarded Mordecai.  So he asked Haman what he thought should be done for a worthy man, thinking it was himself, he said to parade him on the Kings horse with the kings ring , and garment.  Haman and his family was hanged.  God didn't forget.  God is faithful.  Gena
Expire Date: 
Saturday, October 17, 2015 - 1:30am


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