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Pride--- Evolution Says

Pride cometh before a fall and a haughty spirit before destruction. Proverbs 16:18.  We have to take pride in ourselves, to take care of ourselves. Eat properly, get enough sleep, do what we can to be healthy, happy and look as best we can. This is pride the way God intended it to be. Then the devil took it to a different level and thought more highly of himself and thought that he should be worshiped as God. Isaiah 14:9-15. It says that we should not think of ourselves more highly than others.Romans 12:3, 16-Be of the same mind one toward another. There is no big I's and little u's. All men are created equal. Some have more, are nicer looking or more talent; but, with the more, there is more responsibility . To whom much is given, much is required; greater responsibility.  How do you stand in the pride question? are you on the Godly  end or do you think of yourself more highly than you ought?   EVOLUTION SAYS! - By Gena Hebert There was a big bang, they say this is how it all began. I once was a tadpole, wondering in the mire.I went on for eons, until I started to aspire. I jumped out of that puddle, our family tree began. My legs grew stronger and my tail grew longer. Living now in the trees, hanging by my tail and knees. Being so tired I took my chances, I dropped down on dry land. and I began to walk. My tail dragged the ground, until it disappeared. My arms grew shorter, and my legs grew longer and stronger. I had walked through eon's of time. Out of the mud puddle I had climbed. I felt so frisky that I ran. It felt so glorous and grand, I found myself a man. Now all you tadpoles in your puddle of life, look up, for through the eons of time, may become a man. When I told this story throughout this land, surprising to me, gave me a D.D.  Genesis 1:1, John 1:1,- In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. God is creater and  worthy to be praised. Why not serve Him with your whole being. All of your heart. It is worth all we go through. Gena
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Saturday, October 24, 2015 - 1:30am


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