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I have a fund raiser for the youth group. You can order T-shirts at Gospel Lighthouse youth program.  It will be appreciated for you to donate. Quote for the day. ' Complaining is just an excuse not do what is right.'   Psalms 133:1- How beautiful and pleasant for the brethren to dwell together in unity. I really understand this scripture means. We were going to take a bus load of clothing into Mexico to Suidad Victoria. Our bus was loaded from the rails, to the back door, top to floor. The was a huge school bus. We were required to bail them like hay. That was the only way we could take these into Mexico. There was 8 of us. Jonathan drove the bus and the rest of us followed in a van. We stopped in San Antonio, at a factory that bailed clothing. The supervisor said we could use the factory after 10:p.m. if we hired 2 0f their workers to run the machines. He had a bailer at his house and we could finish up there. He said it would take 24 hours to get it all done.# of us were in our 30's the others 60's and 80's.We started at 10. Everyone went to work .It was like clockwork. There was such unity, we worked as one. At 6:00 am we had the bus loaded with the clothing and ready to go. The supervisor was shocked, we ready to go on our trip.  Souls were saved, people healed and God was glorified. Ephesians 4:3- Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit, in the bonds of peace. 13- 'til we all come to the unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God... unto a perfect man...It is like the kids song t hey sometimes sing, ' if we all pull happy we'll be.' God never intended his people to be divided. The Holy Spirit is the leader and we can do many wonders if we are led by Him. Look at the tower of Babal. God confuse their languages to stop them. Genesis 11:6.  And the people are one..they tried to get to heaven the wrong way. God confused their language. Just think what great things we can do, united in God's Spirit, miracles  
Expire Date: 
Saturday, October 31, 2015 - 12:30am


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