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Wounded soldiers

Wounded Soldiers by Genny Hebert- There are times God's soldiers are wounded. The enemies darts hit again and again. Disaster strikes, the wounds go deep, sorrow begins. Trusting God one day at a time to see us through. To do only what our Lord Jesus Christ can do. In our frail and blinded minds, common sense is left behind. Heartaches by the number, troubles seem to have no end. Jesus is a faithful and never ending friend. Where are our sisters and brothers? Are we not members one of another? To tarry with us in prayer along the way, or needing a helping hand. Neglected and abused by many of our peers. But Jesus is the friend who's ever near. By his Holy Spirit, pouring in the oil and wine. The healing process begins in time. God sent us Christians faithful and true, and in God's word we humbly grew. Now we're stronger, wounded no longer. We stand firm with our swords and shields, led by God's Spirit to the battlefield. Remembering to give others, God's loving hand. For someday you that place may stand. I suppose that everyone has been in this position to some degree, in their lives. I know I have. My friends were nowhere to be found. My heart was broken. Most of all because, those that I thought were real friends were only fair weather friends. Jesus was my peace even in the hardest of times. O, I praise his Holy name. I thank God that now I have a new family in Christ. I truly love them all. We must remember even in love it seems hard at times. The enemy is always going to try to cause division. We must be like Jesus, forgive and forget. Work it out if you have a problem with someone. It is so worth it. Time heals the wounds and creates a stronger bond, if you will let it. If you run away, you'll just have to compass this mountain again and again until you get victory. Be faithful to where God plants you. I will be with my sister-in-law, in Farmington, N.M. for a week. My youngest brother passed away. She needs help. They were together for 30 years. He was 48. Her name is Lena Green. Pray for her. Love you all Gena
Expire Date: 
Friday, November 13, 2015 - 11:30pm


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