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Monkey see, monkey do!

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it must be a duck. I just got back from New Mexico, to see my brother for the last time. He killed himself.  He didn't die instantly. They found him reaching for the window. He was to weak to reach it. He has been ill for over 3 years. He didn't intend to kill himself, but just get attention when his family was to busy to listen to him. He figured they would be back before it was to late  It worked 2 times before. The Bible I gave him was on his shoes , beside the bed. I choose to believe he repented . If he didn't, when I get to heaven; I'll never know the difference.This gives me comfort. My last words to him were " I want to meet him in heaven." I'm not telling you this for sympathy. I have a purpose. My dad was very strict  and not a very good example of what a Christian should be. It says to train up a child and when he is old, he will not depart. (train means to teach by example) My dad wasn't around when I was young. My mother was a God fearing, loving mom. I praise Jesus for the training.2 Corinthians3:2 says that we are living epistles (examples) known and read by all men. What do people think about Jesus; if you are in his image? Are we showing God's love to those around us?  It seemed they were not receiving my loving Savoir.. The Lord spoke to me and said that I was planting seed and building bridges. We have to plant seeds before they grow. Bridges, strengthen the family ties in Christ. So many have seeen such poor  examples of Christs love, because of cruel, uncaring christians. We are called to show the world God's love. The Lord said that the law hangs on 2 commandments.You shall love the Lord thy God with all your heart, strength, might and the second, to love your neighbor as yourself. Mark 12:33. That means we must love ourself. not being selfish, self centered, but caring for and taking care of yourself, and others. Not doing good to your hurt. How do you portray Jesus in your life?
Expire Date: 
Saturday, November 21, 2015 - 1:00am


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