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gloom, despair, pain and agony!

This song was sung on He Haw, in years past. We always laughed at it. But, many people feel that their lives are filled with gloom, despair, pain and agony. Jesus said that He CAME TO GIVE US LIFE AND THAT MORE ABUNDENTLY John 10:10. There are times in everyone's life they feel that God has forgotten them.   That their brothers and sisters in Christ, don't remember that they exist. It is a tool that the devil uses to discourage people. God loves us even when we are unlovable. John 3:16 says that God so loved the world... We are in the world but we are not of the world. How much more He love His children? In times like this we must encourage ourselves. When we get into the word we gain a perspective of truth. It is the enemies duty to put situations in the way of those who would normally encourage us.  Hebrews 13:5 says to let your conversation be without covetousness, be content with such things as you have, for He has said " I will never leave you nor forsake you."  God is faithful. He has got your good in progress. You may not see it now. So many times we get ourselves in a tizzy, forgetting who we are and who our Father is. The word says that Jesus was acquainted with grief. He was deserted by His disciples, despised and rejected; even put to death. We have never had it that bad. There are those who have had their lives threatened. We need to fall in love with Jesus. Let the love of God show throw us. Show the world the love of Jesus. Just think how those around us would react to love, instead of hate.  The world is looking for love. If they could only see that Jesus is the love that they seek. Don't let the devil get you down. Life happens, it rains on the just and the unjust. We will have problems until Jesus comes and take us home, in the rapture or by death. The main thing is to be ready and to keep the faith. Jesus promised to be with us. Why should we worry or fret? Matthew 24:13 says he that endures to the end... Remember the joy of the Lord is our strength. Joy is a choice, the feeling will come.  Jesus said, My peace I give unto you... How can we let the devil win? Choose joy. Imitate Jesus!
Expire Date: 
Saturday, December 12, 2015 - 2:00am


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