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As we were coming out of the church on Sunday morning, the pastor pulled my buddy to the side and said, 'you need to join the army of the Lord.'  He whispered to the pastor, ' I'm in the secret service.'  There are a lot of Christians that are struggling with bondages. Are they saved? Yes. The majority of Christians today are living so far below what Jesus intended us to live. Jesus said, I come  to give you life , more abundantly. John 10:10 We don't realize that we have the right and authority over the enemy, satan and his imps. There are times we go through trials and troubles and life doesn't seem fair.  There are those who become a member of a church for status. The loaves and fishes, so to speak; some just to soothe their conscience. We don't serve the Lord for just the benefits. It does say not to forget the benefits, Psalms 103:2, but it goes so much farther than that. How can we not love the very one who gave his life that we might have eternal life in heaven. It didn't stop there. He took 39 stripes for our healing. Jesus said that he would never leave us nor forsake us.  Hebrews 13:5. There is nowhere, where it  will be perfect, except in heaven. We need to lay aside every weight or sin that so easily besets us. We are all called to be witnesses for the Lord. We need to be freed from everything that hinders our walk with the Lord. James 4:7-10 says to submit ourselves to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hand you with sin, purify your heart you double minded, humble yourself  and he will lift you up. We need to search our hearts and see what manner of person we are.  Who do we imitate? Search for the paths he has set for us. God is faithful and desires us to seek his face and worship him in the beauty of holiness. What kind of Jesus do we portray in our lives? Love the Lord with all of our being and show others what our God is, love Gena
Expire Date: 
Saturday, December 19, 2015 - 1:30am


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