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Extra! Extra! Jesus is coming soon.

A preacher fell in the river  and couldn't swim. Shortly a boat came by and the boatman asked if he needed help.  He replied, 'no thanks, God will provide.' This happened several other times. The preacher finally drowned. When he got to heaven he asked why the Lord didn't send him help. The Lord replied, 'I sent several boats to rescue you and you refused help.  Dah! How smart was he?  Sounds like a lot of Christians today.  I want it my way.  Accept help from where God sends it.  Jesus is the topic today. He said in an hour when you think not he would return in a cloud. Watch therefore and be ready for we know not when our Lord cometh.  The Lord is trying to get His saints ready. He has spoke through signs and wonders, through prophecy, through His Holy Word. So many are like the preacher in the river. It's time to get serious and prepare our hearts for His return. Get all those in that we can. It is true that the Lord said occupy 'til He comes. That doesn't mean feast and sit at the banquet table while the harvest is ripe and the laborers are few. We need to win all that we can. Show the world God's love.  Jesus didn't condemn the world, neither should we. Just think! if we don't win them they are going to hell. In Ezekiel 33, it says for the watchman to blow the trumpet, sound the alarm and warn those that are not ready. It goes on to say that if the watchman does not warn the people that their blood is on his hands I didn't make this up. It is the word that the Lord Jesus is saying to His church today. Face it, we are all guilty. We need to repent, pray that God gives us a burden for lost souls, and those who are dabbling with sin It is no time to slow down. Hebrews 12:28-b says let us  have grace, whereby we may  serve God acceptably , with reverence and Godly fear. 29. For our God is a consuming fire. 13:1 Let brotherly love continue..remember those that are in bonds and them which suffer adversities. Time is short. Pray God have mercy........
Expire Date: 
Saturday, December 26, 2015 - 1:30am


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