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GOD Bless America

Proverbs says that a merry heart doeth good like a medicine. We all need some at times. Miss Molly was a young, old lady, who attended The 1st Church of the Anointed Ones. She lived in an apartment , in a very bad part of town. They left her at the door. She opened the door and turned the light switch on and the light went out. As she walked in the dim light, she heard the awfullest commotion. Frightened she screamed, Acts 2:38. This was all she could think of. They had studied this in Bible study that night. She could see a shadow of a large man, as she walked around the corner to turn the dining room light on. He was frozen stiff with his hands in the air. She called the police. Naturally it took a while for them to get there, (to much crime and to few officers.) Still frozen when the officer was cuffing the thief and ask him why he didn't run? What were you afraid of? He shakingly replied, ' she had an ax and 2 38's. What would you do?" Now on to a more serious side of life. We received a letter from a concerned missionary about the state of our country and how our legal rights are being taken away from us. We are truly a blessed nation. But it was because that this nation was founded on the principles of the Holy Bible. Little by little they are stripping us of our rights. Was it Patrick Henry that said give me liberty or give me death? Many men and women gave their lives that we could be free. We as Christians need to stand together and pray, put our petty differences behind and work for a common goal. our freedom. We do not force others to believe, why should we not be allowed to worship and speak of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When Christopher Columbus was commissioned to find a shorter route to the West Indies in 1492, He had a precious cargo of exiled Jews. Tortured, beaten, imprisoned, 467, lived to be exiled by King Ferdinand of Spain. Will this happen to us? The Inquisition that started in 1233 is alive today. Who will be next?
Expire Date: 
Saturday, February 6, 2016 - 6:30pm


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