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God So Loved!

It was Palm Sunday and Joe had a sore throat. He stayed with a babysitter. The family came home with palm leaves. Joe asked what they were for. His Dad said that they were for waving over Jesus when he passed by.  Joe said ,'leave it to me to stay home when Jesus shows up.'  Jesus In the beginning God created the heavens, the earth  and all other things. When He created Adam and breathed into him the breath of life, and put him in the Garden of Eden.  After Adam named all the animals and God said that it was not good for man to be alone.  God put Adam into a deep sleep and took a rib and made Eve, thus the 1st. husband and wife. Genesis 1-3.The one thing God said not to do was eat of the tree of good and evil , in the midst of the garden. Eve was tempted saw and she picked it and gave it to Adam and they ate.  Sin began.  Now there was a need for a redeemer. Jesus, God's only begotten Son. paid the ransom to redeem us, when he died at Calvary. He took the penalty of our sins.  John 3:16 We must believe,(accept, live by and rely on.) Not just say it but, live it. !7 says that those who don't believe are condemned already. But were there's life there is hope. Sinner or backslider. why wait until it is to late? It's not God's will for any to perish.  Why not now?
Expire Date: 
Saturday, February 13, 2016 - 12:30am


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