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These sent in by Helen-Posted 2/7/16

Please pray for my friend Nell who is having a lot of trouble with her throat and mouth, talking and eating. She is having gallbladder surgery soon. She also has trouble with the artery in her abdomen. She is really going through a lot and needs prayers for healing. She is one of the sweetest Christian women I've ever known, and I am so sorry she is so sick.


My friend Reba is having a lot of burning in her stomach when she eats and diarrhea every day. She also battles depression. A family member keeps her upset a lot. She is trying to find a good primary care Dr. also.


My friend Anne is having transmission trouble with her car. She is taking it tomorrow to have it fixed. Please help me pray they fix it right and it won't cost so much. She is single and lives on a fixed income.


Lee is having a lot of trouble with the artery in his abdomen. It's too thin. He is going to Emory Hospital in Atlanta to see if they can help him. If not, he might not live very long due to the constricted flow of the artery. He has a wife and three children.


Michael is having seizures that are very painful. The Dr's don't really know what to do to help him. He is trying to work and support his wife, Pam who has been battling cancer for years now and his daughter's 3 children who they are raising.


Pray for my sister Sylvianne who will be having a colonoscopy and Upper GI tomorrow. She is 82 and in a weakened condition. Please pray she can undergo these tests and be safe.


Thank you for your prayers... Helen






Expire Date: 
Sunday, February 14, 2016 - 4:45pm


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