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God Still Loves You!

There was a song in the 60's that said, "what the world needs is love, sweat love." How true is that statement. The world  does need love. But, not the type they were speaking of. They need to see the love of God which Jesus puts in His children's hearts. The main problem with so many of God's people is that they are basking in the love but, not showing the love that has been given them. Love will make the difference between  life or death. God is love therefore His people should love . 1 John 4:7-16. read it. 1 Corinthians 13, speaks of the God kind of love. Our love should be pure and undefiled. We were once unlovable. Jesus saved us anyway. But there is God's  way to eternal life. He is a sovereign creator. That means that He has the right to expect us to do it His way. He is not a dictator, nor cruel but gave us the free will to choose our  allegiance.  What we choose will determine where we spend eternity. We are the creator of our own destiny. Romans 6:23 God will not over ride our will. If you want to live like the devil & go to hell, He will let you. He will give you chances to accept Him., even let you get in situations to woe you. But, you have the final choice. I choose Jesus. It is not religion but salvation through faith. Choose Jesus!.
Expire Date: 
Saturday, February 27, 2016 - 12:30pm


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