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What Is Love?

This is a question that we all ask in our life. The Bible says,  "God is Love." To know real love, we must know how God is. John 3:16, says that God so loved the world; He gave His best, Jesus. Jesus was willing to suffer & die that we might be saved. 1 Peter 1:21 says that Jesus gave us an example of love, when He went through all the suffering; Not only this but He also gave us the way of a blessed life. I'm not talking prosperity as others say. But I am talking , peace & joy. He never leaves us or forsakes us. He helps & guides We receive all His goodness & mercy. 1 Peter 1:21 says He is our example. What manner of person  ought we to be? The world is longing for true love. So many are selfish & cold. But our Heavenly Father  says to "labor with His love." Hebrews 6:10 says that He would not forget  our labor of Love. Romans 13:8 says to owe no one anything, but to love one another, thus the fulfilling of the Law. We must love others as we love ourselves. James 2:8 Prior to this says, that if we see a brother in need & we have means to help; if we don't help,. HOW DWELLETH THE LOVE OF GOD in us? We really need to search our hearts & pray for forgiveness , & put God's love in our hearts. Genna                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Expire Date: 
Friday, March 18, 2016 - 4:30pm


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