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Guess Who's Looking?

A young man had just gotten his driver's license. His Dad, the pastor, was taking Him to his school practice. Pete, a long haired, semi rebellious, C- student, asked if he could use the family car. His dad replied that if he'd bring his grades up, study your Bible some each day, & cut your hair, we'll make time for you to use the car. Pete, answered Moses had long hair. Sampson had long hair. Even Jesus had long hair..Dad replied, " true & they walked everywhere." 2 Corinthians  3:You are epistles  written in our hearts, known & read of all men. 3. says you are examples of Christ's, known by the Spirit of God. If you don't know about Christ Jesus, how are you going to be an example of His nature That is why it is so important to study to show yourself approved of God, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly knowing the truth. My version of 2 Timothy 2:15  If we are truly examples of Jesus people will see His nature. A loving Savior who is compassionate & desires that all should come to repentance. We must do our best. Sometimes we fail. Then we repent & pick up where we left off.  So many think they are perfect Only the Christ in us is perfect. We strive while in this mortal body but soon, He will  come & take us home. I  desire to see you there. In Jesus  Gena                                  
Expire Date: 
Saturday, April 30, 2016 - 12:00pm


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