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What About The Holy Spirit? HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

We know that the Holy Spirit is the 3rd person of the Godhead.  He is mentioned all through the Bible, from Genesis through Revelation. I don't have space to give all the names He goes by..I just intend to describe some of His duties. 2 Corinthians 5:5  prior to this it speaks about desiring to be clothed with our heavenly body.v.5. Now He that wrought (given). for the same thing is God, who also given us the earnest of His Spirit. Earnest is a term used when buying property.  It’s a sum of money that is paid to the seller. You agree to purchase & The seller is agreed to terms of a contract..God doesn't deal in money.  He has given us His Spirit as a down payment, so to speak, of going to heaven. We receive The Holy Spirit  His promise is to fulfill His word & we receive the Holy Spirit & serve Jesus with the direction of the Holy Spirit & God's word, rightly divided. as our part. The Holy Spirit is so much more. He is our teacher, guide, protector, helper, revealer of God's word, & purpose for us & so much more. V6 says that while we are at home in this body , we are in heaven with Jesus, our Lord. V 7. we walk by faith not by sight. & it goes on to say that we are confident in our labour, we may be accepted of the Lord. All will appear before Christ Jesus, in judgment to receive our reward whether we did good or bad.  Those who receive Jesus as Savior, though not perfect, is the good . & rejecting God's Son Jesus, is the bad.  In the simplest terms. I want to see you in heaven, Gena... 
Expire Date: 
Saturday, May 7, 2016 - 2:30am


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