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My God Is Awesome! Happy Mother's Day!

Perfect peace, is what you have when you are in the will of God. Your mind may question but your spirit will be at peace & joy, while resting in the Lord. My God Is Awesome!. God so loved that He gave, He sent His love by His Son, He gives salvation, are we saved? He calls, do we answer? He gives us His peace, do we live in it? He gives us His Holy Spirit, do we receive Him. He gives joy & beauty for ashes, do we abide in Him?  He desires to fellowship with His own, do we take the time to spend with Him each day? He gave us His word, the Bible, do we study it? Psalms 119:105 states that his word is a lamp unto our feet & a light unto our path. God cares for us, do we go to Him in time of need ? 1 Peter 5:7 says   casting all your care on Him  for He cares for you .Just think, the creator of all things cares for us. He even gave us the opportunity to go to heaven. Now is the accepted time to receive this love that God so freely gives. One day there will be a judgment & all who refused will get the wages of our life. Romans says that we either accept Jesus  & live for Him, receiving the wage of eternal life or we reject His love & receive the wages of death & eternal damnation. Which choice will you make, Heaven or hell. It's your choice. Am I trying to scare you,? No, Just tell you the truth before it is too late. I want to meet you in Heaven. Genna
Expire Date: 
Saturday, May 14, 2016 - 12:30am


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