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JESUS Is Coming! R U Ready?

This Sunday is Father's Day.Is your family ready for Jesus to appear? We need to  pray & be led by God's Spirit to get people to realize that His appearing could be at any moment. They need to prepare; ,by giving their hearts to the Lord Jesus, before it's to late.Our lives is not just making it, but helping others to go with us. This world 's wickedness is a picnic compared to what it will be when the Saints of God are gone. Matthew 24:36-39 state that only God, The Father knows when.That it will be as in the days of Noah. They were eating & drinking, marrying, feasting until the flood occured. Only those who received the the truth & entered the Ark were saved. They mocked Noah while he prepared the means of safety, just as they are today. They say that this has been taught for centuries. It is closer today & could be any moment. All the given sighs are pointing to the catching away of the saints. You can make fun  but when it happens what then? Is it worth missing heaven & going to hell? Am i trying to scare you? No! But I don't want to be accused of not warning you. WAKE UP! God's people  let's win every soul we can. WAKE UP, world, get ready for Jesus's return. There is a hell, just as there is a heaven.. Where will you spend eternity? Nothing in this temporal world is worth missing heaven for, no thing, no person,nothing. What is your choice?
Expire Date: 
Saturday, June 25, 2016 - 6:30am


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