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Bonnie Blair-prayer for church-Post 8/13/2016

I challenge all persons of G.L.O. Church to a 5 minute prayer each day at 12:00 o'clock noon, for 1 month, for God's blessings on our church,  Pastors Bennie & Jeanette Dendy, members, visitors, musicians, and our missionaries, and every person who steps onto the church property.  Then see the difference at the end of the month. Make a list of them. Remember "Ask and ye shall receive!" If the Holy Spirit has spoken to you about someone, pray for them for whatever the reason. While praying, ask our Heavenly Father to fill us with the Holy Ghost as he did with the people in the upper room. Ask that He send new people in from the North, South East and West. Pray for our Government and the one He thinks will be the best coming president. Folks it's getting hard times and we are at the End Times! The Harvest is shortly coming. Are you ready? While praying for your children pray for everyone elses children. Take your troubles to the Lord and leave them there so when you come to church you get your mind, heart and every fiber of your being on God, His Son and the Holy Spirit.  Pray always that His will be done. Thank him and praise Him for the blessings He has given in the past, present and the future. Don't be greedy with your prayers. Love others as He loves you and pray for their need, not only material things also spiritual things. Salvation, witnessing and being stedfast is always a good start.. I know we will see those blessings come if we earnestly pray fervently. Remember it's all under the blood of Jesus Christ that died for us all, not just one color, or one type religion,  or a specific country pray for all for He died for ALL! When that curtain was wrent by Jesus Christ it gave us entrance to worship with Him on a one on one basis. Take advantage before it's too late.  "THINK ABOUT IT !"  
I LOVE YOU ALL, Bonnie Blair

Expire Date: 
Saturday, August 20, 2016 - 9:15pm


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