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If It Wasn't For?

Joyce Meyers says "An excuse is a reason with lies attached".  How true.  All people  have a particular weak area in our lives, some more than others.  Contrary to what some believe they were not perfect.; blame Adam & Eve.  Even the most wonderful person has imperfections.  I'm sorry to burst your balloons.  Jesus, God's son, our Lord & Savior was the only  perfect one.  I praise The Lord that we are able to make it to heaven, through Jesus.  The blood He shed on Calvary's tree made the way.  Our part is to believe,( to accept as fact, live by & rely on Websters definition of believe in the dictionary I had .Jesus is the way the truth  & the life, no man cometh to the Father,(God, creator), but by me,(Jesus) John 14:6.  If we repent,( ask forgiveness, & turn from our transgressions.)  Strive to be like Jesus, by His grace & mercy, if Strive to do our part  & trust Him.  I realize that this is a long time work, but it is worth it.  With some it is alcohol, drugs, pride cigarettes, pornography, etc., God is not embarrassed with our failures, He sees our faith, our effort, our love & adoration.  The Lord sees a willing heart, our desire to change.  We are needy, because of being human.  We as sheep have gone astray.  God's desire is to restore us.  Jesus paid the resume for mankind.  All that we need to live a victorious life was paid for by Jesus, God's only begotten Son.  We need to learn from God's word, the Bible.  Timothy 2:15 says to Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  Yes! man did write the Bible.  They were led by God's Holy Spirit, & inspired  by the Holy Spirit sent by God.  The Bible has stood the test of time It has been proved true over & over.  Still is.  If you can't accept that you will never make it to heaven.  There is only one way I pray that you do accept Jesus.  I want to see you in heaven.  Think about it.  Genna
Expire Date: 
Saturday, October 29, 2016 - 2:30pm


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