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God Always Keeps His Promises!

Criticism is like throwing you a pep rally for the future & foes can carry you farther than friends.   e.g. David was a lowly shepherd boy, until he fought Goliath.  He was then famous.   God has promised all something.    Most things are conditional.   Such as; he that endures unto the end, the same shall be saved.   Matthew 24:13.   If you are willing & obedient you shall eat the good of the land Isaiah 1:19  There are  promises that God made  like the one He made to Abraham ( Abram & Sarai, his wife) Genesis 12:7  And the Lord appeared unto Abram, & said unto your seed will I give this land.  Abraham was 75 years old.   Again, God spoke the same words Genesis 17:8.   (Verse 1 states that Abraham was 99 years old ) Verses 16-22 of Genesis 27, give the time  as being next year & Sarah shall bring forth a son.   God's timing is not the same as ours.   He is faithful to those who obey him.    How long have you waited to see God's promise fulfilled?  Be patient & don't lose hope.   God will do what He said He will do.   Many times we delay the promise when we try to do it for God.   If Sarah hadn't insisted on Abraham taking Hagar to wife to give him a son, who knows how much sooner Isaac would of been born; or the eastern countries would have a more peaceful land.   When we make unwise decisions we delay, or pass the will of God.  Let me give an example of someone more recent, Katherine Coolman.   I read in her life's story that she was not God's first choice.   She was chosen because the 1st  choice refused to obey.   I don't want anyone to take my place because I was so foolish as to refuse my destiny that God  has called me to.   I may have been slow to learn, but thank God He didn't give up on me.   I am his, God's servant.  He will never fail & we won't either if we are led by the Holy Spirit.   Let God be our source & King.   Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ  Jesus, which strengthens me.   How about you?  Genna
Expire Date: 
Saturday, November 5, 2016 - 10:30am


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