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He Bought My Soul At Calvary!

 I was listening to Jimmy Swaggart and he was  singing an old song that my sister and I was singing many years ago.  He  bout my soul at Calvary.  I haven't thought of that song in a long time.  It brought back memories of my youth.  I was raised in an old fashioned Pentecostal church;  that believed Holiness  came from the heart, and being led by the Holy Spirit and how we lived before the world.  Our goal was to show forth  the love of God. We believe that we are to live in this world but not be partakers of the sin and ungodliness.  If we be a light, and show God's love, It says to be partakers of another man's sin, and to keep yourself pure. Let me give you an example. I knew a lady in Florida who played the piano in a Pentecostal church. She didn't steal anything. but her husband would steal things and she knew it  and used them just as if they were bought.  That is definitely being a partaker of another man's sins, ( 1 Timothy 5:22)  My beloved Husband of 27 years, went home to be with Jesus. That doesn't bother me so much, because he is not suffering any more. He had numerous cancers nodules in his brain, lung cancer, and blood clots on his lung. I thank God that he did not suffer long. I was able to keep him near me till he went home. I miss him, but the hardest part is starting a new life without him.. You say , "what has that got to do with  the  Jesus paying the price at Calvary. " Well, everything.   My life belonged to Jesus before I married John, and through our lives we agreed that our Lord Jesus Christ would come first in our lives. I  still belong to the Lord and He keeps me. at peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost , even in the harder times. I guess the world thinks that we are cold, but that's not so. we love double because Christ Jesus is our is in us , He is God's only begotten Son and God is love , therefore we are to be His ambassadors. Yes, I am sorry to say ,that a lot of Christians fall short, but God is their judge and what we should do is pray that all God's people unite in love. In the unity of faith. Ephesians 4:13 Till we  all come to the unity of the faith and knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. There was a time when the devil was trying to defeat the Children of God, because with unity there is strength; So one of his imps  suggested destroying the people of God. they thought of, different things, then he thought of causing division, and by doing so they would not be as strong and they would be a lot of self pity. This would render the people  without strength. Face it, it's true, and when we began to unite in our churches, our churches have more power. then, denominations are more powerful, then the nations unite in Christ and we become as one in man,  undefeated in  Jesus. Jesus will then come for his church, the body of Christ.  All will be one.  Genna
Expire Date: 
Sunday, January 15, 2017 (All day)


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