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Bonnie asks prayer help for healing of son William 12/10/16

My heart is heavy laden. I am asking prayer, not for me but for my son, William "Billy" Self. If you are a Christian and believe there is a God and that his Son, Jesus Christ, died on the cross at Calvary for our sins and that there is a heaven and hell, I ask you help with prayer for him. He has pneumonia and is not well. He has a spot on his lung that they have to do tests on as soon as he is better. The doctor doesn't know if it is from the pneumonia or if it may be a type of cancer. He's not sure. He has been working way too many hours on his job and I am asking God to heal his health, employment hours to cut back, and clean his household and turn things around. Doctors can diagnose but God is our healer. Thank you all for praying. I’m believing he will be completely healed and the spot on the lung will be gone when the pneumonia is gone. Thank you Lord for Billy's healing and I give you honor and glory for it in Jesus's name. Amen!

Expire Date: 
Saturday, December 17, 2016 - 9:00pm


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