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My Favorite Christmas

I have been visiting with family.  We all had a nice visit. But as Christmas came closer I wanted to go home and spend time with the reason for the season, me and Jesus. Through so much pain and hardships during this season, I many times really just wanted to spend time with  Jesus.  Oh, I like to get gifts and give gifts. But we are supposed to be giving gifts for the birth of Jesus. One of my happiest Christmas's  was when we went to Mexico;  in a rural area in the beginning of the Rocky Mountains in El Harebells.(sorry I don't remember how to spell it)  Two pastors  drove down the mountain and picked up people for church. This was on Christmas day..Our pastor looked at me and said,' you're gonna preach. ' I preached on Mark 5: I had never preached with an interpreter before.  Even with all my inabilities, the Holy Ghost did all the work.  There was a man who had killed 3 men, God totally changed him and he received the peace that Jesus gives. Two prostitutes were saved. A blind man received his sight. These are the things I remember. Now that is what Christmas is all about, giving the gift of eternal life and healing men. Not that we can, but, through the work Jesus did at Calvary, which healing is part of;, the work that was done.  You see, we had yard sales, sold baked goods which we made, to make the money for the trip. Helping others, giving to those who have nothing.  We need to support those ministries who are doing just that. One that is really on my heart is Bobby and Sherry Burnett, in Haiti. They live with the people and work to support and minister to the people. Haiti is so impoverished.  Even so much more than before, because of the harsh storms, severe weather, destroying trees, crops, and the livelihood of the people. Read 1 John 3:11- How dwelleth the love of God in you?  Merry Christmas. Gena
Expire Date: 
Saturday, December 31, 2016 - 12:30pm


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