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Request for job for Scott from Anne & Helen Post 1/5/17

Prayer Request from Anne...Please pray for my son-in-law Scott who is applying for a teaching position at Columbus State University. It's a long shot, but I believe God and his promises. He can make a way when there is no way. God have mercy in Jesus  name. Scott lives in New York with Elizabeth and their four girls. Thank you so much for praying. 

Prayer: Father,

I come before you on behalf of Scott. You see his need for this job because You have placed a desire in his heart for it. I pray You will bring it to fruition real soon. I pray that he will love it and all his coworkers also. Please bless him and Elizabeth and their four girls exceedingly, abundantly, above all they can ask or think. May this job will provide them with the ability to help these girls go to college and have great careers. We trust You Father and thank You for all the provisions You have already made for this family and all You are going to do for them in the future. Thank You Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name... Amen, Anne & Helen


Expire Date: 
Thursday, January 12, 2017 - 7:30pm


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