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for all of us

Brothers and sisters, I always share a bond with some of you I've known and loved dearly, but we are all facing some very trying and confusing times. Things have gotten so out of hand in our society. It seems corrupt all the way around with families destroyed, finances tight, sex, drug, and rock and roll brainwash( which used to have power over me and led to some awful decisions and consequences ). Its so sad to be in this age of wickedness and not be able to find peace and love. I guess only God can fill the void and I'm asking Him to minister to us as only the Spirit can, and to show us his will and make a way where there is none. I pray for unity and restoration for the Church, that we may be one as He is with the Father. Its hard to face the world alone. Impossible to stand and agree when two or three are not gathered together believing and seeking in one accord. I know its hard to withstand persecution, and we compromise when faced with all types of sin . my struggle has been great recently, wanting one thing in the Spirit and still having a weak flesh to contend with. The lies and deceit of the enemy are so sneaky. Deliver us from evil, we can do nothing on our own. All our righteousness is as filthy rags before an all knowing God. Have mercy on the lost and hurting for you see our hearts and every detail and every hair on our heads. You know all of our thoughts and you remember we are but dust before you. Let us hope and rejoice in Your pure sacrifice for all mankind, whosoever believes that Jesus was the Son of God, and that He died and rose again. And that He's coming back for his children someday soon. Please remember me and all my kinfolks in your prayers, and seek Gods face concerning the trials and tribulations that have come concerning us all as a Body. Why is it when we are most hurting and needy of help, grace, even a kind word then that is when even the closest brother will forsake,betray, speak death over you? I don't want to allow a root of bitterness to take away what fellowship we did enjoy in times past, or quench the hope that someday we can enjoy unity and worship and victory over the snares and wiles of the devil and His crafty works.

Expire Date: 
Tuesday, January 24, 2017 - 4:15pm


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