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The Son!

One day while I was sick, I went to town with my niece.  I sat in the car and leaned back and let the warmth of the sun heal. Pulling out the soreness in my chest.  My mind went to the book of Psalms, where David spent so much time with the Lord, basking in His love.  How precious the time and the Psalms he wrote about those times.  The Lords desires to spend quality time with his people. The saying in the Bible says ' by their fruits ye shall know them'. You may ask what has that got to do with basking in the presence of the Lord? The more time we spend with the Lord the more we become like him. Look at Moses in the book of Exodus. He's spent so much time with the Lord that they could not look upon his face, so they put a Vail over Moses face.  When we think on these things as Philippians 4:8 says. We have such a loving Savior.  My heart is greed that a God which loved so much has been given such a bad reputation. I Know we are not perfected yet. But we are to rectify our mistakes to the best of our ability, or a Paul put it,' as much as lieth within us. 'I give account of things that I saw when I was growing up.. My mother pastored a church in Monterey Park, and South San Gabriel, California.  She was frail looking but she didn't let that stop her.  We didn't have a lot of money, but if one of her people needed something she did her best to help.. There was sis.  Steel who had a stopped up bathroom.  Mom went with shovel in hand and proceeded to dig the drain line up. She did it, too. Then the commode. She fixed the problem.  That is only several incidences. She prayed and then obeyed.  Women can do more than they think if they just start to change their thinking. That goes for men too. Philippians 4:13 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  I live by that verse. Then verse 19- says My God shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory, by Christ Jesus.  If he chooses to give you the strength and wisdom, do it.  It is a refreshing experience.  When men fail, God sent women. I am not a feminist , I just believe in a God that made male and female equal. I don't like doing a lot of things, but I never believed in doing without when I didn't have to. Thank God I don't have to fix my own car repair.  Let  me add here some very special adopted sons and daughters.  I Love you all
Expire Date: 
Saturday, February 25, 2017 - 1:30pm


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