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Power & Authority!

"Power and authority," something  pretty much everyone wants.  We are born with all that we ever need to accomplish our goals in life.  It is a fact that they must be developed and nurtured until we are able to be used in the calling we are given in life from God.  Every child that is conceived has a calling from God.  A purpose in God's vast will for mankind.  I doubt that 1% of the babes conceived in the  the womb;  have ever fulfilled their full potential that God has purposed in that persons destiny file.  No, I am not giving exact numbers, because there is no way  our finite mind can comprehend the wealth of an infinite God for even one person; much less every person conceived since the beginning of time.  When you consider the obedience of parents to train up a child (proverbs 22:6) This is the first step to a persons destiny file.  Proper growth, training, willingness to obey.  or receive correction These are just a few steps to the fulfilling of   a persons.  destiny.  God has a kind of a sliding scale that changes with our failing to be fulfilled in an area of our training.  .  That is not to say that we cannot be used of God in a position of power and authority.  You see our destiny is not always when we are young.  Part of our destiny  can be changed when we get older.  I believe we are like chess pieces in the game board of life.  God the master sees one fail and another steps up in ability of being used in a greater way.  We become more responsible, a greater passion for others, and ability to be led by the Holy Spirit, to higher heights and a  greater instruments fit for the masters use.  We are the ones who make or destroy our God given destiny.  I'm not saying that we can't be used if we ever fail, by any means.  What I am saying that there is hope until our dying breath to be used of God.  I realize that we must be able to use the authority with godly love  and compassion.  Willingness to be molded by the master creator, fit.  for His use Instruments fit and pure for his use.  The instruments as a doctor may use, pure ready to be used I'm saying that we must be a responsible, compassionate, and Holy Ghost led to be used for God's use.  Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, when we rebel and refuse to obey we are in a very bad position.  Jesus even said that he wanted God to help us be willing to say yes.  How much more we need the assistance of the Holy Ghost.  He wants us to depend on Him.  God loves us to ask for His help.  If we can't, and we can't.  He can.  So why not accept the truth and in faith ask  humbly, trusting Jesus.  Genna
Expire Date: 
Saturday, March 4, 2017 - 3:00pm


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