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Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power; after the Holy Ghost is come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and in Samaria and to  the uttermost parts of the earth.  I'm going to be the devils advocate, as John used to say.  The majority of the churches haven't got enough power to blow their nose.  I'm sorry but I know what is seen in the churches, Hear me out , before you condemn me.  Let's look at the whole picture.  God is Almighty.  He is able to do anything.  The problem is not with God.  Jesus paid the price at Calvary for the power and authority be in Christians.  There is no problem there.  Jesus when He saved us gave us power.  Ok.  That is true.  But, where is the power and healings?  You see some, but where is the Holy Ghost power in the people of God;  as He moved when I was growing up?  The problem is with the people.  I've seen the dead raised, because a 13 year old girl dared to pray in the anointing.  I've seen legs grow, Cancers disappear, men set free of vices and evil spirits, families healed.  Hebrews 13 - says that Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.  That means the churches are failing to obey the word.  We have seen miracles in our church, so don't think I'm coming against my pastors, or anyone else.  I'm searching myself and desiring the way things were.  God gave us the power, and authority.  Every Christian should be used to minister to the world and point them to Christ and His anointing.  Witnesses.  Jesus sent out the 70 and said heal the sick, set the captives free, raise the dead.  "Freely you have, freely give".  When the disciples could  not set the boy free; It was due to lack of prayer and fasting.  Acts when the 7 sons of Sceva went to deliver the man who was possessed, they were beaten and run off.  Jesus, the devils knew, Paul too, but then the evil spirits said, " who are you?  " What will it take for us to be as we are called.  Is it lack of faith?  Possibly?  We need to be bold witnesses, Stand up in the anointing and be led by the Holy Spirit (Ghost).  Please believe me, I desire to live in the place we used to live.  It says to look to the old paths.  There are those who have specific anointing, but we are only the instruments that God uses.  We need an old fashioned, sin killing, devil chasing Holy Ghost revival where God is glorified.  We need the hunger for the Lord and his anointing flow through the services like they used to.  Man needs to get out of the way (woman too,) and let God be God  The truth is that Jesus is calling the church back to the old ways to show the world that God is still on the throne.  I've had to say to people that God  love Jeremiah 6:16 Go back to the old paths.  God's love flow through us.  We need to seek God's face, for souls.  When Zion travails she shall bring forth.
Expire Date: 
Tuesday, March 7, 2017 (All day)


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