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God knows best !

When will we ever learn to trust God.  To some it comes easier than others.  I didn't have my dad in my life from the age of 9.  It was Mom, Jane and me, the three musketeers.  We had all we basically needed, especially love .  Mom remarried when we were 14.  Mel was ok, Dad had to marry another or go to prison.  So we never saw him much after that.  He loved us but his sin was his bondage .  He loved mom and us until the day he died.  Sin will take you further than you want to go.  There were many things we had to deal with.  I came to point of not trusting easily.  There many traumatic experiences, especially not when hearing from my Dad for years at a time.  This alone caused me troubles  relationships proved untrue, there were Christians that were cruel, even when we were doing right.  I am so thankful that I've found a church that will love you no matter who you are and what you've done .  I'm not just saying that to build up our church.  It isn't perfect but, it's the best I've ever found I have true friends  and brothers  and sisters;  I trust and feel the love of God from .  John and I were kicked out .  O, glory be, if someone makes a mistake
Expire Date: 
Monday, March 27, 2017 - 2:30pm


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